Sunday, October 22, 2006

sorry... my family... my darling..

kinda busy lately with work.. n after work... i'm pretty much drenched ~ tired ... my whole body ache.. my legs are killing me..n the reason is becos's deepavali n raya season now.. so i'll be extra busy... but of course.. with double pay~ wink* so its kinda worth it~gosh!! i hardly had the time to go to the bathroom...haih.. i miss my friends.. my family n my darling... i'm sorry that can't even go for short outings with my frens... truly sorry~ ... i miss watching movies with my adp friends..those bbq moments.. i miss talking to my ex-housemates.. i miss talking to ppl tat i trust..sob~ the only person tat deprive me from being lonely and has always been there for me.. is my bloved calvin.. thanks... i know i have not been able to chat with u nicely ... n we hardly skype anymore... i am just very tired..i love u.. :) apology accepted ? hehe..

my family... sorry ... i know i have not been a good daughter as i have not visit them for nearly a month... i hope everything back at home is fine... :) i love u.. :) i will work hard.. n will save up some money for my future use when i'm studying in QUT..

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

outing with vivi

i like going out with vivi... aka ivy goh siok yee... she's so fun to be with ... but lately.. she's having some frustration over some things.. n it has been bugging her for the past few weeks... n of course, there are exams coming just around the corner.. she's so worried.. if i were in her shoes, i really can't handle so many things at once.. but i know she can~ :)

i luv talking to vivi.. i feel so relax talking to her.. i do not need to pretend to be anyone else.. n i can talk to her almost about everything~~~haha from love related probs to bras ~~~~ haha~ terrible.. she's so can u not like her? HAHAHAHAHA... bluek~

she influenced me a lot.. that's wat i am worry about... cos she thinks a lot.. n sumtimes she made me realize many things .. that i tot is not a problem.. n sumhow.. after listening to her, i feel it is actually a huge problem.. yes yes.. i know its sounds confusing.. but well, now i understand tat .. i can listen to her... but the decision/choice is mine... :) hehe..

thanx for everything vivi~~~~~

do u know how does it feels like .....

1)when a kid called me, aunty... when i am just 20? my gosh!!! must be my pale looking face la.. i dun wear make up or anythig to work .. ahaha.. lazy la. work as those sales assistant oni wat.. no need such things~ i prefer looking ugly during work.. u know.. hate being looked at .. bluek~~ but kinda sad la... being called aunty wei... sob~yes.. i know i am not in my teens nvm la.. maybe they are just too used to greet the elders as uncle n aunty... n not jiejie or korkor.. -_-'' i think so la... *alasan aje*

2) to be scolded again n again by the same customer... for something tat i think i am not wrong la.. there were this 2 old couple.... the guy using tongkat la.. so the age is like...68-70? grey hair n all... the wife is about the same age i suppose.. anywayz, the thing is, he was walking into the store n asked the manager which is the most expensive sport shoes for my manager, chose 2, n after tat ordered me to serve the grumpy old man.. ah hell man.!! n after tat, my manager went out for break..i helped the grandpa to try on the nike shoes.. n he said wwat so good about this shoes la.. not say comfortable or i say it should be.. becos of the cushion blablablbalabla... n he was not even listening.. nvm that.. after tat .. he tried the another pair.. i was tying his shoe lace for his right shoe..n his wife is tying for his left shoe.. i tied finish n he scolded me again.. he said.. y did u not tie my left shoe.. n his wife has to do it? ok.. i really bare the scolding.. .. ai...ok ... after that... he prefers this adidas shoes compared to nike, n asked for new one.. so i searched .. n so unlucky.. its the last pair.. so i told him.. n again, i got scolded.. n wanted a 50% discount instead..haha he must be dreaming la.. of cos i did not say that.. i said it cannot be done.... n insist of talking to the manager..well, manager is not in... so i say how bout this pair? n this pair ? n this pair? he wasn't listening...until i said.. i think u can go to the adidas shop there n find that pair of shoes that u wanted.. then he scolded me again.. n said... how can u ask your customer to go somewhere else? aren;t u suppose to persuade me into buying your stuffs? ....after he said all that.. i just keep quite.. n said nothing.. he was discussing with his wife.. n decided to take the nike shoes after all.. i did not say anything..& helped him with his shoes n all..put the shoes at the cashier...n went to the store room.. told my colleagues wat happened.. n scolded all the *!U*(@&*(@&(*!&(!&)()(&@*&(*@&(*@&( ... really!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!

3)when customers do not believe me!??!?! i said so many times b4 tat this pair of shoes.. oni comes with the size 8,9,10 n etc.. n not 6 or 7.. i know .. cos i searched for it b4.. but still, they asked me to go to the store room to find again... believe or not.. i have met about 4-5 of such customers....

4).. when a customer asked for 3 pair of shoes.. for size 6, 61/2 n 7.. for each shoes... meaning there were 9 shoes in all....n after trying 3 shoes.. he decided not to buy them after all...n said thank u.. -_-'' damn bloody.. really get on my nerves.!!!!! also the same thing.. a customer.., asking for this pair of shoes..n after tat, another pair... n another pair... n another one... n in the end, not buying anything... do u know ...i have to do the spider man climb everytime i get their shoes? the storeroom consist of many shelves.. n there are some stocks that are very high up.. .. so i need to crawl up to get em.. i can't use the ladder.. i am very afraid of using it..

aii.. all in effort is worth it... i made rm 240 commission in 17 days.. 1% for everything tat i sell.. do your maths..i really worked very hard to earn this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

my leg hurts...

talking bout standing approximately 7 hours per day... n with only 30 minutes of break.. sob~...i really need a foot massage!!! gonna stay like this for a month or so till my colleague recovers from dengue fever...and after that ..gonna work ranging from 4-5 hours per day(*relief*) till mid of december.. n by then, i can pack by bags n go back to my hometown n get ready to celebrate christmas with family n friends.. n of course .. not to forget.. my beloved bf is coming back real soon~ miss u loads~ haleluyah... suffer for now.. n enjoy life later :) yeay.. wait wait~

Saturday, October 07, 2006

hari kuih bulan~

it sounds so weird in malay... btw.. yesterday was the mooncake festival...dun really celebrate this event... only know how to eat those delicious yet fattening mooncakes.. yum! without the yolk of cos :P btw, i was invited to wei shuen's house for bbq to celebrate mooncake festival as well as his sister's bday...-_-'' so macam big gathering la... being my antisocial self, i decided not to go for the party and prefered to celebrate at the comfort of my own room..just imagine.. working from 10am to 4pm....urgh!! so tiring ok!!! so i said to myself tat i will buy myself a mooncake and gonna have it for dinner..haha...and so i bought one .. called the *low sugar golden jade*..cheh.. name so glamour.. -_-'' 10% off wor.. since it was the last day.. but oni 10% gosh.. kam lun tai must be damn good la..haha

oklo, bought my mooncake d, walked home lu.. and to my suprise, i saw david's car.. with po yee, teh n adrian inside.. aiseh.. did not expect they will actually come to my house to persuade me into going to the party.. since 4 of em, asked n begged*cheh*not really la... i dun wanna be the party pooper n said yes... so i went for a bath.. n off we go!!

fast forward***

adrian and i have never been to wei shuen's house n po yee has been telling us not to get shock wor.. okla.. breath in breath out.. aiseh man..from far, i saw get a house.. so bright wei!!!.. i told adrian.. dun tell me is that house ah.. .. yeap.. it really is !!!.. wa!! such A BIG..!!!! BIG!!!!!........ CHANDELIER !!! must be quite expensive .. -_-'' it really stands out among the other houses.. not to mention, brighter too. i did not know wei shuen was tat rich.. he has just moved into this house early this year. no wonder la.. the design of his house is so modern and way creative.. n of cos.. new la.. :).. n being my kiasu self, i took a picture of the chandelier.. with adrian~although it looks small in the pic.. aii sad case..
smart also, where got thieves wanna steal it la.. so huge.. i guess it is pretty heavy too la.. haha!! c.. how it brighten the whole place with just one huge chandelier..-_-''

went into his house...saw his huge living room, very spacious..wat ahuge flat screen tv he has....also a small bar... and the kitchen is so cute.. looks like those design in alice in the wonderland.. like u know, a few part is yellow, then purple then green..& then i met his doggy, sheryl's fave dog, snouzzer*sorry if wrong spelling*n the name is.. drum pls.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DICKY!!!!!!!!!!!!.. wei shuen say dicky very horny .. so gave him such a funny name wor.. haha cannot tahan.. i did not take any pics there becos his sister's friends were all there..n it was quite paiseh la.. :) but i manage to take several pics upstairs though...i think hooi mean will like it here.. can help with her project :P

this is upstairs.. kinda japanese-korean-chinese design... kinda kewl... c those white stuffs beside the boat, those are actually white stones, sea horses*fake la of cos*, sea shells n etc..creative isn't it.. can curi.. dun wan la.. for wat..-_-''

again,i fail as a photographer.. the picture of the buddha suppose to look VERY big... but it looks small rite.. frm here..sad case... really failure.. sob~ u know wat's that hanging on the upper part? its like a plank of wood.. but it has elephants on it.. ..sob~ but.. u can't see them.., rite? sob~

we went into wei shuen's room n took a picture with po yee~
i have that levi's t-shirt.. n bb got de.. :) n of cos his is not pink la..

ok enough of touring inside his house.. n it was time to makan~ there were salads(never touched them), fried mee hun(i did not eat em also), fish ball, chicken wings, sotong, sweet potaoes, corn, n my fave!!! sausage with cheese fillings.. nyamz!!! nice !!! so thoughtful of them ~nice... for rememberance, we took several pics...

yeay group photo~

here's another one.. with the bday gurl inside.. the one wearing white lu~... :)

after eating, eating n eating....wei shuen took out a bottle of wine n all of us went crazy.. haha~~ not really la.. i dun really drink de ma.. adrian was a bit down tat day, n he kept drinking n yeap, end up drunk.. kesian man.. :) haha teh remembered about the time he was drunk , and so, that nite, he refused to take so much alcohol.. wow.. smart boy~

us~~~ yam seng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!everyone is covering po yee's face...-_-''..

it was fun!!!!! :) i did not regret coming to the party after all.. haha!! i felt so happy ~!! although we did not had any mooncake that nite, we did had a sllice of baskin robbin cake worth rm 140 ~ (bluek~ i got 2 slices) haha~~~ hope there will be more gathering in the near future.. n i hope my bb will be there too :)