Monday, April 30, 2007

great! just great! a sarcastic manner of course.. woke up today morning,looking blurry as usual, brushed teeth, bath, and wanna start doing my power point for public health. my Food studies lecturer told us tat she will put up the results by today or tomorrow, so i checked my e-mail and my partner for Service Management assignment dropped me a huge BOMBSHELL!!!

after reading the e-mail for like thrice, i mind was completely blank! omigosh!! now only she tell me this!! the assignment is gonna due by the next two weeks and not forgetting i have a presentation and another assignment to hand up the week after.F*** u la!*sorry feeling very emo now* and i kept telling my friends and my darling how nice she was, telling me that she'll write everything and i'll research everything.

it's not plain research okay!? i actually read everything, highlighted the important points, typed down short notes so that she could understand what i've researched and etc. and there are 10 articles to be exact!! it's not an easy task!

i am actually not that angry if she told me this earlier, probably 3 days ago, on friday, as i was quite free during my weekends. but NOOO! she must ruin my whole plan! can die!how could she do this to me? looking back, i was being very patient towards her when she did not have any information regarding to the assignments earlier on as she was ^busy^.baskit la!! :(

tot i can trust her... she told me she hates doing group work, prefers to do everything on her own..and loves writing.. wat crap lar!!! in the end also need my help.. @*$&@*$&@(

damn sad.. i need to reorganize my plan for this week again..


p/s: results are not out yet, tomorrow i suppose... hope it's not another bad news :(

Sunday, April 29, 2007

seemingly ridiculous!

i have nitemares lately and... its prreeetttyyy SCARY! although i dun remember much bout it the next day, .. but it haunts me every nite.. creepy wei~ .. it's an eerie feelin that i couldn't describe.. haiz...

btw,did u know, i always feel that there are those *things* are always lingering around me.. i know i know!!!.. yer....

wo hen pa!!

n this makes me feel uncomfortable when i'm alone!!!especially at nite.. woa... cannot tahan... i will try to make myself as busy as possible.. just to distract myself.. like watching tv in a high volume, doing my assignment,call my frens,blogging,and closing any opening meaning... i'll make sure that those closets, toilet door, windows are closed...yea kinda phobia if those windows/doors are left open..I KNOW!! CRAZY RITE...!maybe it's my imagination or sumthing...

ridiculous hor!.. dunno leh.. but my sis told me before.. when i'm afraid or sumthing.. SHOUT LOUDLY this sentence: IN THE NAME OF GOD, I ASK U TO LEAVE ME!

wa.... i also scared to say such a thing... cos i might hear voices from *those* things..saying... NO!!!!!i will haunt u forever....if that happens,.. i might have a severe heart attack n pass out..T_T

scary huh!

btw... do u peeps still remember freddy kreuger..?that movie still haunts me till now!!! damn bloody scary wei!!! :(


Friday, April 27, 2007

anzac day!!!

so wat's anzac day all about? ANZAC DAY marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.Sounds boring?but i definitely looking forward to the watch the parade.well, it's the same like the one tat i've seen in movie world, but of course,no looney tunes characters!gila-meh! it was april 25th, and the parade started at 10am sharp!There were thousands of ppl lining the streets to watch the march.waaa!! such a special occasion! the crowd clapped incessantly as the parade wound its way through Brisbane's CBD for more than two hours.Of course i did not stayed that long, i found it quite amusing at first.. but after an hour or so, i got bored.. cos the march was repeative. i think there were more than 15 bands including irish ones. :P but i continue watching it..... on tv .. :P HAHA.. so here are the pix!!!

those who lost their lives in the battle are remembered always..

i find this boy's cap kinda cute!
irish band!!

feeling bored edi.. so ...'s camwhoring time!!!

wat a huge fat tree!!
a must-take-photo spot!



today's 27th of april... and i received this!!!at last!!!!
although a lil late..(10 days to be exact!) but i'm happy de!!

it was glued so tightly!!! koyak koyak!
haha.. the envelope can throw edi..
nice cute card!! thanx :)
yes u two!!! THANX alot!!

btw, did u know,

the icon in ur card.....


haha is the same one on my comforter!!!!!
*but different gender lar*


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

home alone

i'm all alone in the apartment tonite! babe went to friend's house to play mahjong.. i did not join as i want to finish studying for my test on thursday.. so tat i can go for ANZAC *clickable* celebration tomorrow ..think .gonna have some parade or sumthing.. will blog bout tat if there's anything special bout it. :)anywayz, i just had indomee*yes indomee in australia* with egg...yoghurt after tat.. n now? eating ice cream!!!!*haiz, baby sure gonna kill me wan* i actually finish almost half of the 2 litre ice cream wei!!!scary did not even taste it yet! less than a week..regret regret... but it taste... OooOoo.. so nice.. n creamy. .. yummiez.. i must stop elaborating cos i felt like eating it again!! .. haha... how not to get fat like tat?!??!?! T_T

btw, recently, i've been walking to uni instead of using the free loop.. cos walking actually makes me more fresh,.............. and the fact that i won feel sleepy during lecture.. zzZZzz while walking, i usually listen to my mp3,groovy tune.. .. pumping my mood even more! :) oh ya, i even got freebies today!! a free yoyo and a whoopee cushion!*u know those type of balloon, when u sit on it, it will give out a POOooo sound~like farting.. HAHA.*. i'm not a balloon fan, so i'll just give to my baby ... gua.. :P later he use it on me .. surely i'll freak out lor!!sorry ah.. no pics.. darl brought to camera to the mahjong site.. -_-'' i have no idea y...

n in tonite's food studies class, it was my tutor for my workshop,Selma, who gave the lecture on vegetable n legumes. She was a good lecturer, she's nice, helpful,always joyful.. but!!! I CAN'T UNDERSTAND HER SLANG!! i think she's from india or something... can die.. like today, i was trying to keep myself calm , tried my best not to laugh...but me and carol.. couldn't take it when says WEDGES instead of VEGES! .. HAHA.. n at 1st, carol wanted to use her voice recorder to record the lecture.. but gave up after listening Selma's 1st sentence.. :P.. i hope Selma dun read this blog.. or i'll fail for my exam for sure!! HAHA..

oklar.. enough haha already... continue doing my work.. :P

p/s: u peeps read dawn's blog?*clickable* she's hot!! dun believe me? here's her latest pic..gonna be out in MAXIM..this month's issue!!!guys.. dun drool.. HAHA..n oh ya, vote for her as well!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

my dinner



this is a lame post..

extremely busy...*thanx to my never ending assignments n tests*


so, basically i prepared dinner for myself n baby yesterday. I actually baked a chocolate cake.. it looks like chocolate fudge, know.. especially when i cut them into small cubes! winks!.. :) Y-U-M-M-Y!! taste very chocolate-ty! n not to mention,very fattening too~ :( the cake is so delicious! darn! how could i resist the temptation!!!so sinful lar..although it's huge, both of us will have no problem finishing it before it liked it, say a lil dry though and kept laughing at the shape of the cake... -_-''' i know it's not round!! i did not put the baking paper it turned out.. like a lil.. out of shape.. like a sunflower! :)

the icing looked very glossy hor? hehe XD

i also deep fried a few chicken wings~ i breaded the chicken wings with bread crumbs as well, giving it a more crunchy taste n golden brown appearance :P my 3rd dish was chunks of dory with spicy teriyaki sauce. yum! i know it was a quite unhealthy dinner! haha!but we dun care!!

dinner served!!! yumz!

and the consequences ? FAT FAT FAT! look at my chubby face! my body, u asked? HAHA! dun ever think bout it... dun want u peeps to have nitemare wei~ :P


p/s: won't be blogging than often, ya? hope u peeps understand! if i do blog, probably are those lame ones.. :P

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

thanx my fwens!!!!

thanx for ur bday wishes peeps!!~ so touched~ hugs!! thanx!! happy~oh ya, including my frenster too! thanx y'all~ muakz!

*click to enlarge*

p/s: ya okay, my own bday wish to myself does not count.. bluek~

i did not really celebrate my bday though.. i've been studying the whole day for my food studies test ~ n the test was like .. HELL! oh well, wat's done is done~ :) i'm so relieved!however,i can't relax just yet . i still have 2 assignments that due in early may.sheesh.. and i hardly had anything done .. haha.. my group members are surely gonna kill me!!!! XD...*gonna meet them tomorrow.... cross my fingers*

i will blog bout my trip to dream world just as i promised.. it's my bday present from my beloved baby darling~ muakz! its the best pressie ever~ :D*although its a lil too early bday prez haha*

i love dream world a lot! i sit most of their rides except for the bat wing space shot.*i was a lil dizzy that time* but baby said, the spaceshot was boring.. hm.. no comment on that but it's not as high as the one in genting:P.. haha!anywayz,among all the rides, i luv the superman escape the most!it's not any ordinary roller coaster moves soOoo fast okie!travels 0 100kilometers in 2 seconds wei!.. think bout that!it was a superb experience!if u do come to movie world, this is a must play!!!u will thank me for that advice!
just look at that!! it is so not for the weak!!!

2nd fave.. is the spooky scooby doo ride!! awesome! seriously.. i can play this again n again ..n again!! usually rolller coasters just move forward... but not this scooby doo ride.... it moves backwards!!! okay!!! i know!! so kewl rite!!oh and the ride is located inside the building instead of outside.... creating a dark n eerie atmosphere n they have these green flashing lights.*like in clubbing* n they played the scooby doo song too .. haha :P scooby doo bie do.. where r u.. HAHA
standing outside the spooky scooby doo ride~

n my 3rd.... is... the... WILD WEST FALLS ADVENTURE RIDE!!! n again, this is something new to me! the feeling was indescribable!.. i like tat feeling... :P i wanted to ride it again.. but.. just one problem... u'll get all SOAKY WET !!!:( ... btw, for ur info, it is WAYYYyy higher compare to genting's...ya.. i think maybe three times the height? XD terrifying huh!
that's ronnie and baby after the ride.. look at baby!! he's so wet! haha

and.. at last, i got the chance to see the float many looney tunes characters!!!and i had many pictures taken with them too :) so enough of typing, i'll let the pics to do the talking , k? muakz~

c... i took pix with my fave taz!!! cute oh!

some random dream world photos!!! :)click to enlarge k? sowie for the small pix

thanx baby for the whole new experience! i love u!

Monday, April 16, 2007

it's my bday!

17th of april..


i find this song.. very nice.. :)


*something tat i bought from movie world* cute eh?

P/S: continue mugging..... T_T

Saturday, April 14, 2007

exam stress!

i won't be blogging until my exams are over! damn stress! having flu again!*wat's new?* btw, i and a large crowd of friends went to movie world yesterday, n it was superb! it was WAAAyyYY fun and exciting compared to dream world*excluding the tiger show part*i will blog bout that ASAP:) patient okie? huggies!

for now,


MUGGING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


frankly speaking, i've been unwell for all my life! not only physically but mentally as well. i have probs with my nose to start with, till now, i still have runny noses almost every day. curses!just imagine tat i need to blow my nose every minute, trying to unblock my nosetrils.i have this probs almost every nite now.aish! therefore, tissues are a necessity for me.i can't live without em.did u know that i can finish a box of tissue(bout 300 pieces) in less than 2 weeks? scary lei.i still can remember the times when i stayed over at ivy's place and weirdly enough, her place did not have any facial tissues ! she only have toilet tissue paper! but i was desperately in need of tissue~so terpaksa lu~ :( haha!!and after that *incident*,ivy bought a few boxes of facial tissues! she said that it was for me, just in case i overnite at her place again!haha.. touched*

besides that, i have probs with my blood pressure... i bet that the 1st thing that comes to ur mind is high BP rite?? but NO!! i have low BP !! very low indeed, less than 1/2 of normal BP.haha another scary fact of mine , hor? hanno! i also can't believe it. my family blamed it on me, saying tat i lost too much weight in a short period and this is the consequences wor. haiz! i have actually fainted 3 times!

the 1st time, i was in midvalley with sheryl and alvin.**he was heartbroken and wanted to have his ears to be pierced.. twice!**sheryl wanted to pierce her nose as well, and me? nah! dua lubang enough! :P so i was standing, waiting for them, and suddenly i feel giddy, and my body is like jelly! wobble*wobble* my sight was blurry. alvin saw me damn lemah and brought me to the nearest place to sit down and bought me a coke! he told me that i have low blood pressure, and asked me to drink more gas drinks or sweet stuffs.i believed him, cos he's a smart arse. :P

the 2nd incident happened in guardian, i was trying the maybeline mascara, and suddenly without all the previous symptoms(feeling giddy n etc), i fainted. when i opened my eyes, everyone was like crowding around me.. :( n the pharmacist gave me a cup of chrysanthemum tea. -_-''

3rd? haha, i was with baby, in sunway pyramid. baby was so afraid! i had cold sweat and looked very pale.he had no idea wat to do.when i woke up, i told him tat i felt better.but he insist on going to the nearest hospital(SJMC) haiz! that's my 1st experience in that hospital!! n the doctor was like pressing my stomach n etc.. and asked me when was my last menses. i was like -_-'' . WTH? he thinks i'm pregnant? was speechless*giggle**giggle*

now, i'm feeling better, before i leave for australia, i went for medical check up, n the doctor say that i still have low BP, but is better compared to before. yeap~ so far so good. i have not fainted ever since .~ haha~

so......... do YOU have any sickness or disease or disabilities?


sort of irrelevant .. but.. i need to announce this!!!.
#I'm GOING to MoVIe WoRld *clickable* ToMorRow!! wooHoo!!#

p/s: my baby and i finished the cake yesterday... woah.. tat's like 2 days!!! n the cake is as big as my face !! :P die.. i'm gonna be a fatty again!sob*

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

my "bday" cake!

today,my babe wanted to bake a cake so badly! i so happy-lar! we bought the butter cake*dun ask me y butter cake..i had no idea too*fuh!* mix a few days ago at coles and it cost about aud 2. omigosh~ cheap leh*cheap is good!*~ making cakes are getting easier nowadays, we just need to add 3 tablespoon*my babe added 4 instead-_-''* of margarine,2 eggs, & 2/3 cupf milk!mix em together using an electric mixer,which we do not have,*fuh* so we use a large wooden spoon to mix all the ingredients together tiring.. i was kacau-ing it while watching tv!both of us take turns to do it.. my wrist hurt a lil =_='' haha~

tat's the butter cake mix!~ i'll try out dutch chocolate some other time:)



mission accomplished!!!
cutting cake ceremony~~!!! happy early bday to me!! :Psowie ah, house messy*

yum~!!! know i look hideous!bluek!
baby slicing the cake * thanx baby*

haha so many small cubes! but i can confirm that baby and i can finish em in 4 days.. or maybe 3?

the outcome is really 2 thumbs up!! *out of my expectation**haha* it smells, um, wat's the word, hm... extremely ...buttery!! haha.. ~ appearance wise,it looks like those cakes u buy from outside lar*cheh,in the near future, i might have my own bakery shop, i can bake my own cakes n sell em haha*.... and same goes for the flavour of the cake..! taste awesome!i like the surface of the cake the most~:Pbut babe still thinks that the cake needs more butter. -_-''

p/s: thanx babe for the cake!!!! know it's very troublesome :) muakz~

Monday, April 09, 2007

bloggie sumthing wrong or wat?


yes! and i mean it! wat's wrong with blogspot? just visited my bloggie a few minutes ago, and my pictures in my entry on *Lucky Alan* vanished! kapoof*blank* ...i was in complete shock lar!! thank god only the pics were gone and not the words-lor!or i'll be cursing like hell!!! i guess blogspot is having some probs, cos that day i visit daph's blog, and her page is all messy and everything is so out of place.her links n post archives are waaayy down below ..and the comments are waayy up, merely below the navigation bar.haiz. :( hope they do something bout it.. i might just go kwazy if one day, i found out that my blog is deleted!! wa... really die man.. :(

p/s: alan, dun worry la.. i will never delete this pic ever! HAHA..

LucKy AlaN!!!!


alan bong!!!!!!!!U R f******ing (yes it's that foul language,dun ask me y so many ***,got carried away..) LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............................. but alan ah, y stand so far apart?scared ah.. haha !! hannah really sexy lar....~* but hannah ah, dun put so much make up next time k? can't c ur beautiful eyes*

!!!she's HOT!
visit her bloggie here!!

a pic that i took with alan a few months ago in sunway pyramid... HEY!! i'm taller than hannah tan!*slightly* haha.. but yeala..fatter also :P


Sunday, April 08, 2007

games games..

my holidays started 3 days ago*Good Friday* and yes, in my previous posts i mentioned that i have loads of work n studies to be done,but...i have this disease, n i know most of u have them too..yea.. the LAZINESS virus~ giggle giggle* so wat did i do for the past few days? nothing actually.. i was in my cozy home the entire time doing *some* work for my assignment(yea,so i actually did something ok? :P*and um, tv (i had no idea that their shows are that entertaining,even the news wei) anime(waiting desperately for Bleach,COME OUT ALREADY!!) and..... .....



HAHHA.. how did i end up playing this lame ,i mean online board game?yesterday,i was browsing in the yahoo game webpage.. trying to find any games (RPG,strategy,skill) games, i love those yahoo games like cake mania,diner dash, and yesterday i found another one, called carrie the caregiver.basically, the game is bout doing many chores to keep the customers or the babies happy(example,preparing food for em,wash plates,change nappy,cleaning and etc), and not to keep them waiting, trying to win their hearts and with that, u'll get more extra points :) the number of points increased as u go on to the next level(like duh), n it gets tougher.. u need to be a mouse expert to play this*click*click*.. :) the 1st few stages were easy.. but after that.. haha..+_+ call me childish, but this game is not as stupid as u think it is. bah to Dota !!! HAHA..* no offense* u'll have fun playing it.. REALLY!!

okok, so i was like playing carrie the caregiver for an hour, cos they have this 1 hour limit thingy, and u need to buy the game before u can continue... SOOO potong steam only! feelin sien again, i scroll down the yahoo game page and found this monopoly game.. a newer version, called.. DRUMS PLEASE!!...MONOPOLY, HERE & NOW!.. ya basically it's still the same.. just the addition of 2 words.. =_=
*monopoly here and now*wink*

This monopoly here is not an ordinary monopoly game, it has more character for u to choose from, like aeroplanes,french fries, laptop,mobile phone and the usual ol' boots,dog and cup.u do not need to move em and roll the dice using ur hands(i know it can be tiring*)..all these can be done with just clicking ur mouse XD n they have cute movements as well as sounds, like the doggie, it will go woof* woof* when it's turn to move~ HAHAHA.... lemah~n most importantly, the com will just calculate all the losses, i mean winnings in a snap..yea, no more scratching ur head wondering how much u need to pay n etc.. :) so convenient and easy for us. .. n oh... the best part is that, u can play it online with ur frens~~ :P haha... n u can chat with them as well.. kewl? it's fun la, pls.. i can vividly remember that i played this game online with my frens back in INTI.. haha.. so fun.~ :)..


monopoly anyone?

oo... and this game can be addictive.. i played for 5 consecutive hours!! i actually slept at 3 am yesterday nite !! haha~

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

HARD GAY!!!!!!!!!!!

a popular tv show in japan... enjoy.......~~~~~

a really must watch!!!!!!!damn funny wei~!! seriously!!! XD

if u like it, u can watch the other epi-s in youtube~~


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

yeay~ no more exams!!!!........................for now

an hour ago, i finished my public health test which was.. not as hard as i expected.. nono.. i'm not assuming that i'll get very high marks for it..but i'm happy that i can do most of the Qs... :)btw,can't wait till this friday~!i have approximately 10 days of holidays before the next test~~ yeayea~ ...but i'll be freaking busy as i have tonnes of assignments(both public health n health services management) T_T , n 6 or is it 7 chapters of food studies to cover !! :( baby have plans to go movie world*clickable* this easter hols.. but with so much to do.. n so lil time? how wor!!! but i really want to go.. i wanna c bugs bunny and tweety bird.. n my fave, the crazy tazmanian devil~

n also, i have never seen floats before................. and i don't mean this type of floats..!

i mean this..........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. minnie n mickey mouse~~!!

~hehe...i'm so looking forward to try out their rides too ~ my baby says that it will be more fun compared to dream world wor.. :P so, i've decided to study my arse off now!!!

anyway, baby is going for a job interview tomorrow.. at mc d's.. he says.. if he got the job.. the higher chances we'll be going to movie world wor~.. :) yea la.. of course ma.. must budget budget a bit.. :) since he's the one paying for my tix! HAHAHAHAH.. no la.. jk jk..good luck tomorrow babe!