Tuesday, October 17, 2006

do u know how does it feels like .....

1)when a kid called me, aunty... when i am just 20? my gosh!!! must be my pale looking face la.. i dun wear make up or anythig to work .. ahaha.. lazy la. work as those sales assistant oni wat.. no need such things~ i prefer looking ugly during work.. u know.. hate being looked at .. bluek~~ but kinda sad la... being called aunty wei... sob~yes.. i know i am not in my teens already...ai..... nvm la.. maybe they are just too used to greet the elders as uncle n aunty... n not jiejie or korkor.. -_-'' i think so la... *alasan aje*

2) to be scolded again n again by the same customer... for something tat i think i am not wrong la.. there were this 2 old couple.... the guy using tongkat la.. so the age is like...68-70? grey hair n all... the wife is about the same age i suppose.. anywayz, the thing is, he was walking into the store n asked the manager which is the most expensive sport shoes for walking..so my manager, chose 2, n after tat ordered me to serve the grumpy old man.. ah hell man.!! n after tat, my manager went out for break..i helped the grandpa to try on the nike shoes.. n he said wwat so good about this shoes la.. not say comfortable or watsoever..so i say it should be.. becos of the cushion blablablbalabla... n he was not even listening.. nvm that.. after tat .. he tried the another pair.. i was tying his shoe lace for his right shoe..n his wife is tying for his left shoe.. i tied finish n he scolded me again.. he said.. y did u not tie my left shoe.. n his wife has to do it? ok.. i really bare the scolding.. .. ai...ok ... after that... he prefers this adidas shoes compared to nike, n asked for new one.. so i searched .. n so unlucky.. its the last pair.. so i told him.. n again, i got scolded.. n wanted a 50% discount instead..haha he must be dreaming la.. of cos i did not say that.. i said it cannot be done.... n insist of talking to the manager..well, manager is not in... so i say how bout this pair? n this pair ? n this pair? he wasn't listening...until i said.. i think u can go to the adidas shop there n find that pair of shoes that u wanted.. then he scolded me again.. n said... how can u ask your customer to go somewhere else? aren;t u suppose to persuade me into buying your stuffs? ....after he said all that.. i just keep quite.. n said nothing.. he was discussing with his wife.. n decided to take the nike shoes after all.. i did not say anything..& helped him with his shoes n all..put the shoes at the cashier...n went to the store room.. told my colleagues wat happened.. n scolded all the *!U*(@&*(@&(*!&(!&)()(&@*&(*@&(*@&( ... really!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!

3)when customers do not believe me!??!?! i said so many times b4 tat this pair of shoes.. oni comes with the size 8,9,10 n etc.. n not 6 or 7.. i know .. cos i searched for it b4.. but still, they asked me to go to the store room to find again... believe or not.. i have met about 4-5 of such customers....

4).. when a customer asked for 3 pair of shoes.. for size 6, 61/2 n 7.. for each shoes... meaning there were 9 shoes in all....n after trying 3 shoes.. he decided not to buy them after all...n said thank u.. -_-'' damn bloody.. really get on my nerves.!!!!! also the same thing.. a customer.., asking for this pair of shoes..n after tat, another pair... n another pair... n another one... n in the end, not buying anything... do u know ...i have to do the spider man climb everytime i get their shoes? the storeroom consist of many shelves.. n there are some stocks that are very high up.. .. so i need to crawl up to get em.. i can't use the ladder.. i am very afraid of using it..

aii.. all in all..my effort is worth it... i made rm 240 commission in 17 days.. 1% for everything tat i sell.. do your maths..i really worked very hard to earn this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

let me have a good hearty laugh first.. HAHAH.... okok. i know u are sad enough already.. but really.. the old man really pisses ppl off... i don't have to be there to feel the idiocracy.. well.. being old doesn't give him the right to be like that.. i guess he is just a classic pain-in-the-ass antique now, and had been one all his life.. haha... kesian u ler... anyhow.. to be a successful salesperson, u have to SMILE~ just smile.. no matter what happens, the sky falls, get bird offerings, get slapped etc etc.. hehe..

Innocent^^Guy said...

haiyo baby...first ah..call u aunty ni ma...cos he is young...maybe the mother alwis tell him..see ppl..must call auntie uncle...i mean seldom got parents teach the small kid to call jie jie kor kor ma...haha...then 2ndly, the old man...there are la a lot of customers like that..just be friendly and sulk it up. The pay that u are getting every month also include the fees to handle such situations and give ppl scold..hehe
3rdly...some customer like that ma..bcos of previous experience or bcos of some sales assistant like "mother" give them bad impression b4...then finally...where u can like that...not say try sure must buy..u also sometimes go here try baju d then also nvr buy ma..sometimes really not ngam ma...u also go with ivy and see hp..ask here ask there..end up nvr buy wat...cannot like that wan...

FINALLY, I KNOW U WORK VERY HARD TO EARN ALL THE MONEY DE. SO HAPPY AND PROUD OF U. but erm, dun work too hard on spending it ok? hehe

jaecywong* said...

yea de.. me knows de... i know working as a sales assistant... i must endure all the scolding ~~~~ i need to smile always.. i give them the best service!!!

dun worry la.. will try to spend less de k? HHAHAHAHAHA..


n today is even worse.. my colleagues say i am 60 kg.. sob~~ * i know they r playing la ... but still *

Anonymous said...

oh gosh...pity u..i worked as promoter so long last time also nvr experience something like u..those customers all treated me damn well..kelian..mayb this is kl..sabar le..working life is like this..ohya..i like da kids..AUNTY!!!!whaahahah..kids nvr lie..


jaecywong* said...

ah pek ah pek ah pek~