INSTEAD of november 20th, my baby darling was already back a few days ago,on the 14th.. omigoodness!!! i really have no idea!! i mean i do feel that he's doing something that makes me a lil curious lately.. but i did not expect THIS!!! curiousity arises especially on the 14th, i can't contact him at all, i can't call him.. n he did not go online*u know lor, my bf is almost 24/7 online de, if no online, means he went to class/going out a LONG time/sleep*sometimes he's online the whole day n nite..*n the results? the lappy suffered from sleep deprivation n needs to reformat for many many times~ hehe~
okok!!! enough bout his lappy...*anywayz, he says my lappy is cool, HAHA*erm back to bout my darling.. on the 14th, i was so worried, and called his house phone .. n his sister picked it up..
sh's sis:hello?
me: hello, is this shi han's sister?
sh's sis: yea..
me: i'm jaecy yea?
sh's sis: yea?
me:i can't contact ur brother the whole day, have u talked to him today?
sh's sis: hm?no.. i did not online today..
me: oh..
sh's sis: yea..
me: then nvm la..
sh's sis: ok...
me: bye..
sh's sis: bye..
-_-'' his sis was not worried at all.. i guess.. they are just too cool!!!.. they dun give much expression de.. haha~ yes.. even my darling's the same...*if u're not close with them de.*
.. i was still very bothered with my non-existent calvinsanity in my msn..hence, i called mokmok, shi han's sworn brother.. HAHA.
mok: heilo?
me: eh mok ah?
mok: ya
me: eh eh, u know where is ah ham ma?
mok: he not online meh?
me: no leh!!
mok: oh .. maybe he busy shopping leh? ***wan bluff also, bluff properly la.. tat time d already so late at nite d..where got ppl shop so late wan.***
me: u got talk to him yesterday ma?
mok: got ah.. he say he sleepy, he went to sleep lo
me: ha?then nothing else ah?
mok: nola, nvm la.. i will find him for u..
me: thanx ah!!
bloody hell, the next thing i know.. my baby is already online... -__-'' so he told me that his lappy something wrong, cannot online.. n also the hp sot sot jor.. i believe him lo..*me so dumb dumb oh?*
everything was pretty bout the same after tat day.. although he dun online as much as he used to.. other than that,there was nothing suspicious to me.. hm....dumb dumb.
the next day,which is on the 16th.. i go to work as usual,room was in a horrific state(cos i woke up late, everything was so messed up*, n tot well, anohter 4 days to go to meet baby lu!!!..happy happy~ har har...****
at bout 4.10 pm, my bb msged me,"baby, i wait for u to finish work, love u"..i was like ..huh? ok.. cos i finished my work at 5 pm, i tot he will wait for me to ONLINE at 5 something...hmm.. i felt something was weird, mainly becos he told me tat his hp cannot use de.. but i put tat thought away somehow.. i did not reply him though.. becos there are CCTV everywhere in my work place..damn frustrating..
5pm! finish work d lo~!!! okok ~ fast fast tapao then go online chat with bb lu... tat's wat i tot.. untill..someone called me..
not really tat loud la.. i told u that he was cool n all.. he actually called me like this .... bi...
thanx to my sensitive ears, i turned around n i saw him.. there... sitting on the side of the stage..ok... i was really FREAKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!! OK!!! I REALLY WAS... i was like... nono.. tat's can't be u!! i wan cry d wei.. i ran back into my work place.. n went straight to the fitting room.. tot i can scream my lungs out wei!! i was so speechless lo! sob~...after like 5 seconds, i know that this was, indeed, reality.. n went out from the fitting room.. n found him there.. looking blurry.. n gave me a warm hug.. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW.. n i couldn't hold my tears anymore.. n i cried.. n of all things .. i said.. U C.. u make me ugly d.. *cos i cry ma*... omigosh.. typing this makes me feel like crying again.. sob*...n i'm listening to jay chou's romantic song summore.. aish.... anywayz, i was like y y? YYYYY u lied to me.. sob*.. i dunno wat we were talking bout during that few seconds .. cos my mind was in total blank.. can die man!!!
we were walking walking walking.. walking without knowing where we were heading.. till he asked, u hungry rite? i was like.. oh damn! .. i was.. but my appetite was killed by his presence*eh hem, as u know, i dun feel hungry when i am happy..*hehe!!! absurdly, we walked back to WOS, n intro my bf to my colleagues.. hehe.. ..n went off to makan lu... .. oh..btw.. he's staying over for one nite oni de.. potong steam oni!!!sad case
but.. that 2 days..were my best days ever... very memorable.. although its been 5 months plus.. nothing much has changed in him.. he is still my beloved baby *oh dun get me wrong, i mean changes as in the ascent n lifestyle he has adapted in aus de* fact, we talked even more, our bond was stronger, n we pratically joked around the whole day... much to catch up on!!! he is such a cutie.. I LOVE U!!! I MISSED U!!!!!!
actual fact 1: bb's sister was actually a lil worried, n told her parents bout it.. they were also trying to contact my darling
actual fact 2: when i was tryin to call my bb on the 14th, he was actually on the plane
actual fact 3: when i called mok, he was actually in klia to get my darling..-_-''(wa lao..he was lying.. i knew it my foot...hehe)
actual fact 4:when he did at last online, he has just only touched down msia n was actually waiting for mok n gang to get him...