Thursday, November 30, 2006

late post~

yeap.. with his existence here in subang, i am as busy as a bee.. talking, laughing, playing feng shui stuffs*i think he will blog bout this later*, & joking around with him..actually,i do not have much time for him as i work from 10-6, but he insist to come up subang to find me for 3 days~awh.. so sweet~huggies~

on the 1st day, which falls on the 24th, i finally decided to go for the graduation ceremony, held in Inti..the only fresh graduate that i know there is Amos, the others were mostly my darling's friends..i finally tagged along cos i wanna teman my darling & moreover, i missed inti a lot!!forget my sarcasms towards inti during the past.. i really missed inti. aih~ hehe .. the nite bfore the convo, me n baby can't sleep~ n he kept telling me this..

darling: bi, i can't sleep
me: can sleep wan
darling: i can't sleep, i can't sleep , ..
me: if u keep saying u can't sleep, sure cannot sleep la..
darling: ok, i can sleep, i can sleep , i can sleep,.. (i lost count)
me: *irritated.. but looking at his face, i can't stop smiling.....he so cute la*

in the end, we only slept less than 3 hours lo.. i think.. i woke up at approximately 6am the next morning.. bueh tahan~.. i looked terrible.. u can c from the pics later.. darn!baby? he still sleeping like a pig even after i finished bathing lo.. zzZZzzz.. he so funny la..

me: bi wake up!!!!!!!
darling: zzzzzzzzzzz
me: i on the lights ah?!
darling: shook his head to the left n right...*with his eyes closed* cute la...
me: -_-"...then u wake up la!!
darling: zzzzzzz
me: *on the lights* :P
darling: took the pillow n put on top of his face..
me: *lazy wan layan d, go get ready instead*

in the end, he woke up de, looking so blur as usual, but he got prepared faster than me!! haha... cos know la.. i look so terrible d.. need to put extra makeup or etc.. but since time did not permit me to do so, i still looked horrible de.. :( but bb say i looked beautiful~ :P hehe~

lazy to blog d... u can read my darling's blog about the convo..~~!!!

after the convo, i still need to rush back to subang to work~ was lucky to reach there on time lu~ hehe.~ nothing much happened after that day~ :) but i had fun when baby's around~ :)..n not to mention, i ate like a horse!! we had mamak~hartz buffet, mc D, & etcetc...hehe btw, will blog more often now.. yeap.. u guessed it!! he's back in melaka d lu..:( sob*

~some camwhoring pics~i look damn pale laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

cannot tahan la.. so funny wei~~~~


Saturday, November 18, 2006

baby's back~!!!!!~

INSTEAD of november 20th, my baby darling was already back a few days ago,on the 14th.. omigoodness!!! i really have no idea!! i mean i do feel that he's doing something that makes me a lil curious lately.. but i did not expect THIS!!! curiousity arises especially on the 14th, i can't contact him at all, i can't call him.. n he did not go online*u know lor, my bf is almost 24/7 online de, if no online, means he went to class/going out a LONG time/sleep*sometimes he's online the whole day n nite..*n the results? the lappy suffered from sleep deprivation n needs to reformat for many many times~ hehe~

okok!!! enough bout his lappy...*anywayz, he says my lappy is cool, HAHA*erm back to bout my darling.. on the 14th, i was so worried, and called his house phone .. n his sister picked it up..

sh's sis:hello?
me: hello, is this shi han's sister?
sh's sis: yea..
me: i'm jaecy yea?
sh's sis: yea?
me:i can't contact ur brother the whole day, have u talked to him today?
sh's sis: hm?no.. i did not online today..
me: oh..
sh's sis: yea..
me: then nvm la..
sh's sis: ok...
me: bye..
sh's sis: bye..

-_-'' his sis was not worried at all.. i guess.. they are just too cool!!!.. they dun give much expression de.. haha~ yes.. even my darling's the same...*if u're not close with them de.*

.. i was still very bothered with my non-existent calvinsanity in my msn..hence, i called mokmok, shi han's sworn brother.. HAHA.

mok: heilo?
me: eh mok ah?
mok: ya
me: eh eh, u know where is ah ham ma?
mok: he not online meh?
me: no leh!!
mok: oh .. maybe he busy shopping leh? ***wan bluff also, bluff properly la.. tat time d already so late at nite d..where got ppl shop so late wan.***
me: u got talk to him yesterday ma?
mok: got ah.. he say he sleepy, he went to sleep lo
me: ha?then nothing else ah?
mok: nola, nvm la.. i will find him for u..
me: thanx ah!!

bloody hell, the next thing i know.. my baby is already online... -__-'' so he told me that his lappy something wrong, cannot online.. n also the hp sot sot jor.. i believe him lo..*me so dumb dumb oh?*

everything was pretty bout the same after tat day.. although he dun online as much as he used to.. other than that,there was nothing suspicious to me.. hm....dumb dumb.

the next day,which is on the 16th.. i go to work as usual,room was in a horrific state(cos i woke up late, everything was so messed up*, n tot well, anohter 4 days to go to meet baby lu!!!..happy happy~ har har...****

at bout 4.10 pm, my bb msged me,"baby, i wait for u to finish work, love u"..i was like ..huh? ok.. cos i finished my work at 5 pm, i tot he will wait for me to ONLINE at 5 something...hmm.. i felt something was weird, mainly becos he told me tat his hp cannot use de.. but i put tat thought away somehow.. i did not reply him though.. becos there are CCTV everywhere in my work place..damn frustrating..

5pm! finish work d lo~!!! okok ~ fast fast tapao then go online chat with bb lu... tat's wat i tot.. untill..someone called me..

not really tat loud la.. i told u that he was cool n all.. he actually called me like this .... bi...

thanx to my sensitive ears, i turned around n i saw him.. there... sitting on the side of the stage..ok... i was really FREAKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!! OK!!! I REALLY WAS... i was like... nono.. tat's can't be u!! i wan cry d wei.. i ran back into my work place.. n went straight to the fitting room.. tot i can scream my lungs out wei!! i was so speechless lo! sob~...after like 5 seconds, i know that this was, indeed, reality.. n went out from the fitting room.. n found him there.. looking blurry.. n gave me a warm hug.. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW.. n i couldn't hold my tears anymore.. n i cried.. n of all things .. i said.. U C.. u make me ugly d.. *cos i cry ma*... omigosh.. typing this makes me feel like crying again.. sob*...n i'm listening to jay chou's romantic song summore.. aish.... anywayz, i was like y y? YYYYY u lied to me.. sob*.. i dunno wat we were talking bout during that few seconds .. cos my mind was in total blank.. can die man!!!

we were walking walking walking.. walking without knowing where we were heading.. till he asked, u hungry rite? i was like.. oh damn! .. i was.. but my appetite was killed by his presence*eh hem, as u know, i dun feel hungry when i am happy..*hehe!!! absurdly, we walked back to WOS, n intro my bf to my colleagues.. hehe.. ..n went off to makan lu... .. oh..btw.. he's staying over for one nite oni de.. potong steam oni!!!sad case

but.. that 2 days..were my best days ever... very memorable.. although its been 5 months plus.. nothing much has changed in him.. he is still my beloved baby *oh dun get me wrong, i mean changes as in the ascent n lifestyle he has adapted in aus de* fact, we talked even more, our bond was stronger, n we pratically joked around the whole day... much to catch up on!!! he is such a cutie.. I LOVE U!!! I MISSED U!!!!!!

actual fact 1: bb's sister was actually a lil worried, n told her parents bout it.. they were also trying to contact my darling

actual fact 2: when i was tryin to call my bb on the 14th, he was actually on the plane

actual fact 3: when i called mok, he was actually in klia to get my darling..-_-''(wa lao..he was lying.. i knew it my foot...hehe)

actual fact 4:when he did at last online, he has just only touched down msia n was actually waiting for mok n gang to get him...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

If it makes u happy...*an old post of mine*

am very bored recently, n downloaded some 90's songs using limewire, such as zombie and animal instinct by the cranberries, alanis morisette's ironic and uninvited, and also sheryl crow's ... i have been listening to those songs incessantly in my windows media player.. especially sheryl crow's *if it makes u happy*.. this song was very popular ages ago..and till now, i think the song was absolutely nice to sing a long with.. mainly the chorus part... it somehow makes me think bout the lyrics.. *i only focus on the chorus part*...

here it goes..

If it makes you happy
It can't be that bad
If it makes you happy
Then why the hell are you so sad

y? it can mean by many things..for example.. chocolates? if makes u happy.. but at the same , it makes u guilty and miserable as chocolates contains heaps of calories n fats.. -_-'' it only makes u happy for a while..n regret even more later..*its like u're very fat to begin with, and u were very depressed tat ur frens called u fatso.. so u gobble down some fattening chocolates to make urself contented..but in the end, u got even fatter... n it makes u even more dejected..

n it can also be a gf/bf... having him/her makes u happy..but when arguments/ silent treatments occur, u will feel depressed and sometimes u wonder .. y am i having this relationship? but these feelings comes and goes.. it happens when u're lonely and down at the same time..however, when things are ok..those things that u wonder..will just vanish..just for a moment. n will reappear when conflicts happened again..these thoughts will accumulate..n soon, things will turn ugly.. but if couples talks things over,... things will be ok... yea?dun avoid them.. in fact, confront to ur significant other.. n tell him/her wat u want!!! haha... but also, u need to understand her needs .. yea? :)
* this msg is specially for u, my godbro*

p/s: tat's wat i think bout wat's happening to most obese ppl & couples lately..

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

death note... MOVIE VS ANIME..

i just watched death note the movie 2 days ago, n i realized that the 1st hour of the show was.... BORING . I guess it's most probably that i have watched the anime n luckily the anime only shows till the 1st half of the movie.. or i will b bored to death..-_-'' also, it seems like about 10 episodes of the anime were squashed into one movie! everything was happening so fast..i can hardly catch my breath!!! it did not give the same effect compared to the anime.. i did not go AHHH OHHH WAAAA at all.. *the part when L did the broadcasting thingy..* the anime, however, although i have watch tat part .. *episode 2* for 3-4 times.. i will still go AHH WAAA OHHH !! SO CUN!!! if i were to watch it again.. hahah!!*in fact, i like the music n the sound effect during that particular part... USSH!!! the movie however, did not have any background music during tat scene.. so disappointed lo!!! kinda like? HAH? tat's it? -_-'' ..

the plot in both the movie n the anime is a lil different.. shiori does not exist in the anime(so far la)..*death note anime is now showing till epi 6 only.. how Light found the death note was also distinct.. & also how he 1st used the power of death note.. guess they change the plot to shorten the length of the movie.. :P hek~ but .. who is shiori? i think she's appearing soon in the anime~ :)..

ok.. this point is also very important..the LOOKS of both L n Light or aka Ryusaki n Kira~~~HAHA...okok ~
as u can c.......... Light portrays a lovable & popular guy in college la.. tat typical look la.. smart& sporty n etc..

that's ryuk.. the god of death..

*pardon me with the small pics.. can't find bigbig ones*
n now... my favourite character in death note....

is none other than ... .....................................



i prefer L in the anime version~.. his eyes are bigger.. n more .. gothic look~i like his character.. how he can just eat&eat & eat .. without getting fat!! haha.. he luv chocolates, lollipops, marshmallows, n all the sweet things~~ n not to mention, his brilliant & intelligent brain is a plus!!! so smart..*but i heard he will be killed by kira.. * sob!!!!! *i hope this rumour is untrue... :(..his lepak character also makes me adore him even more!!! haha.. there's just one thing that i dun like bout him.. he hunch.. -_-'' tat makes him look.. ugly...hehe.. but i still like him !!!! wluek~
This is ryuk.. haha.. so cute meh?
i like ryuk's character as well.. he's just playful n luvs entertainment.. he dislikes being in the shinigami world becos the place is boring.. n tat's y, he dropped his death note(S).on purpose..HEHE yes .. there is a S *.....on earth.. he finds it amusing, how humans uses the death note.. but i guess, he soon realize that it's not that fun after all.. *my opinion after watching the movie*...

all in all, both movie n the anime has their own attraction de ~i still prefer the latter..yeah. cos L looks more cun in the anime compared to the movie!!haha.. nola.. its probably becos.. everything is in the *just right* pace.. n the parts is not so messy... n i can go WOOWAAHOHH.. n more relax.. slow n steady.. :) n i find the plot in the anime is more interesting compared to the movie.. well, i will still watch the death note movie 2 though ~ hek~

Thursday, November 09, 2006


haih...such a boring life i have now..its always the same ol mundane...
everyday alarm rings at 9.45 am sharp, had a protein shake for breakfast..n download some animes to keep boredom at bay, walked to carrefour to have my lunch.. the usual rice+kangkung+chicken the foodcourt..12pm, start working...since there are no sales now.. working is not as busy as it was fact, i feel tat ever since the sales stopped, time passes very slowly.. n i can't stop myself from looking at my watch.. urgh~ y...its not like there's anything to do after work..-_-'' true.. but at least i can eat my dinner while watching anime.. anime really kills my boredom.. thank god for anime~ n also thank god for FOOOD... oh glorious food.. :) without them, i can barely stay dinner changes from time to time.. sometimes its just good ol' *fan hap*(economy rice*n sometimes..half of a roasted chicken*from carrefour* :)

i luv anime.. been watching 7 different animes .. haha... :P not to mention.. death note is one of em~ i wanna watch the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw, my daily routine is pretty much.. dead.. haih~..i hope when i further my studies in aus, things will change.. life would be pretty exciting.. yea? :) hehe.. cross my fingers!!!! ok ba~

btw, after anime +dinner... i'll surf the internet blindly..reading some interesting bloggies... such as kenny sia, dawn yang n etc..i'm reading the newspaper daily too.. just to kill my boredom...n of course,being aware of wat's happening to the world today.. oh ya,britney files for divorce today...Y AM I NOT SURPRISED? its obvious that ferdeline n britney will not last long..:P another is.. may n choy, the cute mtv VJS will be launching their own 2007 calendar..a charitable project n a tribute to their mother,who suffered from SLE*lupus*..n um..nothing much on the star today.. nothing huge..well,some mongolian chick got killed..-_-''

so sien la my entry if no pics... nah here..

aiyo.. britney so plump de..
stunning may n choy

just a random entry.. :P

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


inspired by kenny sia.. haha

there's one staff that i really TULAN at my work place! i named her as MOTHER... tat's becos she's in her early 50s n her features look like a mother... u know... chubby a lil.. yea a lil.. heh! :P n the fact that she nags a lot la.. its ok tat she nags.. i have no problem with tat.. cos my mom is also like tat . HEH~ .. btw, there are so many reasons y i dislike her so much~

reason number 1
she talks behind our(colleagues) backs...a backstabber in our work place.. i abhor such person..i mean if u dun like that person, dun treat that person so good ma.. but as for her, although she says mean things bout him/her .she's still very nice towards him/her de.. yer.. everytime she tells me *things* bout our colleagues.. all tat i answered are.. yea.. oh? eh? yea meh? oh! ya meh? oh.. kay...i dun talk to her de.. she always approached me n talked bad bout ppl.. probably i'm chinese la.. n my colleagues can't understand chinese de la. u know..-_-''i wonder if she says anything bad bout me.. hekz~

reason number 2..
she's always snatch my collegues' n my customers!!!!!!!!i know la.. comission.. very important... but least respect us ma.. :) example~while we were serving that customer..she would just appear from nowhere n talk to the customer.. i was like HUH? at first, i respect her de.. becos she older than me ma.. so i give in.. but as time passes.. she's getting on my nerves!!!!! n now we are ignoring with each other due to an incident~.. good la.. i dun like having any conversation with her anyway...

just today, i realized that actually most of colleagues dun really like her de.. they knew that she talked back behind their backs.. *no idea how they know de* but i was not suprised de la.. ai... although her comission is very high.. so wat? we, as her colleagues dun like her.. i think she'll soon feel left out de...feelin isolated from the group de..n the worse part is that she is working for a long period de..the feeling of deprivation.. is .. kinda sad de.. i hope she change de la.. actually i know tat she worked hard for her family... but still, my colleagues also need to cari makan de ma..rite?. she must learn from me!!wluek~ must sometimes give our colleagues some business~:P make them happy~ buy things for them... not ex de la.. cos got high comission last month~ things like tat~ :P

down in the dumps

thanx to the mirror............
nonsensical entry .. dun worry bout it..
:) its a once in 3-4 months thingy~ no sweat~

things will be the same tomorrow...
things will never change ~
although i wish it could..
its beyond my ability..
y am i like this?
i'm 20 for god sake~
will i stay like this forever?
no... pls.. no..
i will promise to myself tat in the near future.. things gonna change.. i will make it happen!!!!!!

for now, i need to focus on my studies... others... later... FOCUS FOCUS~

p/s: dun ask me wat happened to me~ thanx~ its alrite.. i heard it all~ its my thinking~:)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

NoT An ORdiNarY Day~

28th of oct..

tot it was just a normal working day for me...I GUESS NOT!! i had my 1st day of period that day!!! darn~ tummy a lil upset.. n getting very moody as usual...musttahan!!! sister gonna visit me after my work~ yeay~ that's the oni thing tat i was looking forward to .. sadly, my cramps were getting worse n decided to call my sista to rescue me.. i wanna sleep on my fluffy bed very badly... uh.. i hate having my monthly menses... it's always the 1st day.. i can't do pretty much of a thing.. like a sick patient.. need to be bedridden most of the day...called sister to be here as soon as bring me home early...but she turned up 2 hours plus later, which is 3pm.. n my daily shift ends at 4.. erm..n the weird part is, my tummy is not as pain as b4..:( feel kinda bad la..

my manager was kind enough to let me go an hour early, probably becos my sister keeps insisting on letting me off early to get some kind of medication .. saying tat i got low blood pressure.. she might faint n stuffs... =_=.. n u know my sis... she's kinda garang... like as though she's going to burn down the whole shop... after all the drama, my sis n i n mei yung(sis's fren), went to the digital world to get a hp.. *ok i guess sis knows tat my tummy is not aching anymore * ***guilty*** .. btw, got myself a 2nd hand hp.. z300 sony ericsson ~for rm 200~ quite a bargain i suppose..cos it was used less than 4 months~ :) but it comes with limited functions.. no camera.. *no more camwhoring* :( sob~ ... nvm.. sis say when i go aus.. gonna get a good hp, then, i can take umlimited pics of thyself~ HAHA ..

after getting my hp, sista wanna eat sushi~ so off we went to sakae sushi.. kinda high tech de.. use comp to order de.. i have oni eaten sakae sushi once.. with chin hong~ hehe~ate a lot... nice~! n not to mention.. expensive.. ~well, sis treat de~ hehe.. :)oh.. forgot to mention tat sis was in kl that day to watch david tao concert in bukit jalil~me? nah.. never tot of going la.. so expensive summore the tix.. n i'm not a huge fan of his~.... well, unless if i have free tix.. i will surely participate!! HAHA

hehe... dream came true, after sushi, i walked back home n tot of doing my same ol' routine, anime, read newspaper, game, friendster.. n surfing the net blindly.. hoho~ unexpectedly, wei jin called me n asked me.

wei jin: oi! not going david tao concert ah?
me: nola.. sis got go me no money la...
wei jin: ei , kim say got free tix, wan go ma?
me: *suprised* really? WAN WAN
wei jin: really wan? okla i come now
me:wa.. realy ma? serious or not? y free la?
wei jin:ya la!!! faster! i come now!
me :har? really ma wei wei wei..

line cut d* :(

got dressed pretty fast.. did some heavy makeup.. had some difficult time on deciding wat to wear.. n my hair... shit* i just bath!.. ai.. surely when it gets dry.. it will get all wavy.. no time to use the hair straightener.. ah!!! might as well just tie them~ to make it more interesting.. i tied it senget!!! haha more to the right side~ hehe... the theme was green~ make up green & my tank top was green~..

fast forward::

met with wei jin, kimmy n her bro, n her bro's fren.. -_-'' n all of them were wearing green~ yikes!!! HAHA

btw.. this is the tix!!!thanx to kimmy's aunty who work at maxis..think she is a big lau pan yang de.. so get the tix for free~~~~

some pics before entering the stadium~~ took many pix de~~ free hotlink stuffs~bigbig hands~

since the tix were free, it was predictable that the seat were way high up~ yeap~.. its very steep alrite.. barely can c the ppl on stage.. ~macam semut.. thank god for the big screen~ ... ei~ but u know it actually cost how much or not? rm 122 wei~ got discount 30% tat's y u can clearly c the rm 86 there k! hehe... thanx kimmy again~!!

so while waiting for david tao to show up, we took some pix geh~>me n kwazy wei jin<

we waited patiently.. bout 40 minutes for the concert to start..*probably becos we're busy taking pix*.. n yes!! there he was!!! .. DAVID TAO!!!!... david tao was... so.. CHUBBY.. n his hair.. looks.. different.. well, like those good*guai* boy type of look.. nah.. hope i can show u~ but its too far.. haha

>feeling lucky.. becos i can sing some of his songs~ luv em~a bit abit lar.. some.. dunno la.. banana wat..i love the part when he sang the song *butterfly* ... it reminds me of my darling.. i told him b4 that i love tat song de..:)

n the part when he sang.. ai hen jien dan... *simple love*.. wow.. the crowds all sang together.. wow.. so romantic... sob~... wei jin n kimmy busy calling their love ones.. wanna let them listen to the song de..mine? hehe.. no pick up phone de.. busy eating cake ~ wluek~.. :P me not angry de la~~

some pics of the concert~~

so small ehhhH~~

>there's one part, when david tao said something bout loving someone de blabla.. n say who wants to be love .. things like tat.. suddenly a gurl sitting at vip row, run towards the stage. n waved like crazy.. i think david tao did not expect this, but dun wan his fan to be disappointed,so he asked her to come up the stage.. ai.. lucky gurl~ she's kinda sporting too.. not shy wan de.. he asked her if she got bf.. she answered* i am all reserved for u* woah... serious or not.. summore.. she keeps hugging him..think she cannot sleep tat nite de la... n no bath i guess heek~

the concert ended after 3 hours.. phew!! so long wei.. i did not know it was 3 hours long !!!!!!! but wth, i enjoyed myself tat nite.. lucky to have wei jin bside me.. cos he's so kwazy!!! hahha :)

took the last pic after the end of the show~~~~ with flash~ hehe~that's y it looks so bright!!