Tuesday, November 14, 2006

death note... MOVIE VS ANIME..

i just watched death note the movie 2 days ago, n i realized that the 1st hour of the show was.... BORING . I guess it's most probably that i have watched the anime n luckily the anime only shows till the 1st half of the movie.. or i will b bored to death..-_-'' also, it seems like about 10 episodes of the anime were squashed into one movie! everything was happening so fast..i can hardly catch my breath!!! it did not give the same effect compared to the anime.. i did not go AHHH OHHH WAAAA at all.. *the part when L did the broadcasting thingy..* the anime, however, although i have watch tat part .. *episode 2* for 3-4 times.. i will still go AHH WAAA OHHH !! SO CUN!!! if i were to watch it again.. hahah!!*in fact, i like the music n the sound effect during that particular part... USSH!!! the movie however, did not have any background music during tat scene.. so disappointed lo!!! kinda like? HAH? tat's it? -_-'' ..

the plot in both the movie n the anime is a lil different.. shiori does not exist in the anime(so far la)..*death note anime is now showing till epi 6 only.. how Light found the death note was also distinct.. & also how he 1st used the power of death note.. guess they change the plot to shorten the length of the movie.. :P hek~ but .. who is shiori? i think she's appearing soon in the anime~ :)..

ok.. this point is also very important..the LOOKS of both L n Light or aka Ryusaki n Kira~~~HAHA...okok ~
as u can c.......... Light portrays a lovable & popular guy in college la.. tat typical look la.. smart& sporty n etc..

that's ryuk.. the god of death..

*pardon me with the small pics.. can't find bigbig ones*
n now... my favourite character in death note....

is none other than ... .....................................



i prefer L in the anime version~.. his eyes are bigger.. n more .. gothic look~i like his character.. how he can just eat&eat & eat .. without getting fat!! haha.. he luv chocolates, lollipops, marshmallows, n all the sweet things~~ n not to mention, his brilliant & intelligent brain is a plus!!! so smart..*but i heard he will be killed by kira.. * sob!!!!! *i hope this rumour is untrue... :(..his lepak character also makes me adore him even more!!! haha.. there's just one thing that i dun like bout him.. he hunch.. -_-'' tat makes him look.. ugly...hehe.. but i still like him !!!! wluek~
This is ryuk.. haha.. so cute meh?
i like ryuk's character as well.. he's just playful n luvs entertainment.. he dislikes being in the shinigami world becos the place is boring.. n tat's y, he dropped his death note(S).on purpose..HEHE yes .. there is a S *.....on earth.. he finds it amusing, how humans uses the death note.. but i guess, he soon realize that it's not that fun after all.. *my opinion after watching the movie*...

all in all, both movie n the anime has their own attraction de ~i still prefer the latter..yeah. cos L looks more cun in the anime compared to the movie!!haha.. nola.. its probably becos.. everything is in the *just right* pace.. n the parts is not so messy... n i can go WOOWAAHOHH.. n more relax.. slow n steady.. :) n i find the plot in the anime is more interesting compared to the movie.. well, i will still watch the death note movie 2 though ~ hek~


Anonymous said...

haha..baka..da death note comic come out finish liaola..y so outdate..haha

jaecywong* said...

ah lah.. i dun like reading manga or comic de ma.. -_-'' have to buy summore.. lazy la.. might as well wait for the anime lur... hehe~ i got time.. i can wait .. hehe :)