Saturday, February 17, 2007


since i'll be leaving for brisbane real soon, i sorta clean up my room ..n discovered a drawer filled with photo albums~i can' resist myself from lookin at each and every one of them.. cos they bring back all those bitter sweet memories..especially pictures of me.... i looked so kawaii when i was in my kindergarten years.. n looked extremely obnoxious n obese during my first few years in high school... it was wicked i tell u... i was so ashame of myself during that period ... :(.. k k.. u wouldn't believe how fat i was... until u c it.. yea so.. here goes~


but before i terrify my readers with my hideous pic, i'll show u my cute pictures 1st.. haha... :P

that's me with my 1st van~~~ mr 27... :P i was quite surprised when i realized that See How has a car plate mr 31.. :P

me...playing my doggie~~~ cute HOR!!!!!!!! doggie's name is wang wang.. cos dad luv money~~... so call it wang wang.. -_-''' wang wang is my 3rd dog btw~ hehe... n guess wat? wang wang is still alive.. hehe but gave it to an uncle.. cos he thinks wang wang is very adorable.. -_-''
that's me n my 1st bro... dun ask..-_-'' i have no idea wat was i doing..
that's my mom n dad~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hugs hugs~~

that my brothers n sister~~~!!~ hehe... yeap~ i'm from the pei dao kindergarten~ :P same as geowayne know? hehe..

kk u can c i'm a lil chubby here in this pic~... it's my bday party in mc donald's.... i'm in standard 3 i guess.. not so sure.. hek~

**um, let's jump some stages k?**

form 5 dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! our last pose!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

love potion anyone? i'm the 2nd from the right.. around form 4-5, i got thinner :P i'll show u the fat ones later..anxious ka?

doin some chemistry experiment... so fake rite?.. we were actually posing ...-_-'' hehe~

k k.. i'll show u my ......*that* picture... ONLY ONE K!!!!!!!!!!!..-_-''
kaboom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dun puke k.... tat's me~!!!~ ..

n if u have forgotten how i look like rite now.. here's a pic to compare... :P

haha.... look like a marie france bodyline's advertisement rite... -_-'' my secret? exercise lu~~!! i still eat a lot though... i always have a yoyo body weight...sometimes i look chubby n sometimes kinda thin ,which is not healthy.. but i can't help it.. :P scary huh...

**thanx baby darling for scanning all of these pics for me.. muakz **


Anonymous said...

wa..y u so thin 1...

jaecywong* said...

now fatter d ...sob~

Anonymous said...

lol... KABOOM ! haha

er.... marie france? u sure anot.. :P

Anonymous said...

fuiiyorr =.= flash back sial.. lolx eniwayz realli freaking big diff although its nt first time i saw dat picz

sinye said...

wei...damn miss those moments le rite??....arg...sadly we cant turn back time...wuwu...feel like crying when looking at those pics...such superb memories that u cant get anywhere else but our beloved 5sc2!!!...especially the dance that conquer the whole school...