Monday, March 26, 2007

workshop Food studies

i should be studying instead of blogging.. aish.. tonnes of assignments and preparations for presentations and examinations.. !!! aih.. life as a student sux at times.. :( ex: classes till 9 pm? and the next day 8am i have another lecture? =_=' kwazy n this happens twice a week , okay?.. not that i dun like studying in qut, but the timetable is.. really.. @*@(**!&)@&$*@(*$...

putting that aside.. i'll start off with a proper topic.. it's bout the workshop for my Food Studies .. last week's workshop was on CANDIES!!!

yes.. we actually make candies.. my group made Toffee..n gosh! so many cups of sugar were added to make em..i won't be surprised if i were to have diabetes in the near future la.. since i like sweets so much.. :Pokok.. better switch to sugar free instead...

wat can i say, the outcome was simply marvelous,two thumbs up!! it was easy to make, u can even make it at home.. simple~i always tot candies are only made in factories.. i had no idea that i can make em myself..anyway, all u need is sugar, butter, water, corn syrup and sliced almonds.. yeap.. ~ that's it! simply add everything together except for the sliced almond .. put em in a saucepan..stir slowly,until the mixture come to a boil, till 149C. *opps .. yea u need ah candy thermometer as well*... n after tat .. remove from the heat, n stir in the almonds..n presto ! it's done~ simple heh? oh ya, before the mixture harden, try placing toothpicks on a buttered baking dish~ after that simple pour lil by lil of the mixture on to the toothpicks.. so when it hardens.. it will look like a lollipop! :P sorry that i have no pics to show u peeps* :( i'll make sure that i take some pics on my next workshop :) oh btw, there's another group that make peanut brittle.. YUMMY.. i like peanut butter.. n it really taste like that! but just a lil hard la.. if u wanna know recipe, can msg me or sumthing ~
btw, nut toffees look like this.. looks disgusting? but it really taste so GOOD!so sinful i tell u!
n here's how peanut brittle looks like.. yumm..

wat i've been doin for Food Studies was this sensory evaluation thingy.. u know, when u drink milk.. wat do u taste?milky?.. stuffs like tat.. it makes me realise.. it's so hard to distinguish that particular taste.. ex) u eat a apple duh, it taste like apple.. but wat is apple taste? meaning sweet?.. is it the same sweetness compared to ..let's say, peach? how do u compare? n this week's workshop was about comparing the flavour n texture on different types of spreads... butter, unsalted butter, reduced salt butter, margarine, olive oil margarine, lard.. =_= i taste each n every spreads.. that my tongue got tired... it's so hard to compare!!:( ... n the appearance? yellow, yellow, yellow.. n pale yellow... -_-'hard being a food taster.. now i know..

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

mid sem exams! ARGH~

it's the end of march n this means........ exams exams .. darn~ kinda not looking forward to it.. u know..had to study freaking hard.. kinda pressured as my family want me to do well in my exams.. (i mean HD or D)ok!!!! i hope that i don't disappoint them~...n wat the hell? y is the Food Studies test falls on my 21st birthday!?~?~? so unfair!!!!!!!.. dun care... ask baby to bring me to the casino later at nite.. bluek~ for now, ....................


---------------study study study-------------------:(:(

omygosh~ how could i forget..

ASSSSsssignments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :(:(:(

Sunday, March 18, 2007


1stly, i wanna thank God for the bright and sunny weather on that day...actually, a lil too hot, my baby so kesian wore long sleeves shirt, cos he tot the weather will be cooling.. just like in genting.. :P btw, i was really looking forward to sit on those crazy rides.. cos its been so LOooOngG....shirley, on the other hand, afraid of sitting those thrilling rides.. it makes her dizzy and etc..therefore,when we 1st step into dream world, she suggests to sit those kiddy rides.. u know, simple ones..ex) the jumbo jet in genting..:P so, we saw this YELLOW ride... spinning around just above the ground, and WE all were like oh kay, sure... for warm up.. before we go for the roller coaster ride...and the other scary ones.. ...

we were like ready to go, 2 person sitting in a small cage..n my 1st thought was like.. i think it's for children only lo.. so small la.. me n my baby was like squeezing inside..and the safety belt is not safe at all, its those type u stick on it.. n not like those u find in your vehicles..-_-'' so really, WE ALL thought... it was a lame kiddy ride!!!!!...

BUT WE WERE WRONG... .. the pictures say it all..
we had no idea that it will go until 90 degrees!!
n it was going very fast.. spinning many many times.. i was like praying tat it will be over ASAP... na beh.. damn headache after the ride.. :( ruined my beloved baby' day. and mine too.. cos we felt like puking after that ride.. sad:(

after that horrid ride,we headed to the fast food joint to get a light snack since we did not have a proper breakfast and plan wat to do next. we decided to go to the tiger island to ease our mind from that *incident*..

we were on time for the tiger show, n i am an animal lover la... very very happy to see em~ let me show u some of the pics.. :) the tiger show was spectacular!!

there was this part, when the tiger jumps at this tall tree..and couldn't come down..looks kinda funny.. hehe.. adorable creature isn't baby say next time we MUST have a tiger cub.. :P

next, after much rest, we are ready for the cyclone n etc.. i sat some of em.. but not THE CLAW... but my brave brave baby and the other guys did!!! kwazy~! just look at it! to me, it does not look like a claw thingy...they should call it .. the chandelier !!

darling was somewhere there.. having some probs with *eh hem*

my baby says that he enjoyed the claw the most compared to the others.. he said that the feeling was different.. it's great.. -_-'' dunno la.. but after tat ride, he's telling me that he's not feeling well d.. wanna vomit n etc.. so sad..:( n he said it was his sueh-ness again wor.. nonsense!!

we took a lot of photos after tat... n here are some of em.. :P some kwazy ones.. wluek~
i'm in jail... sob... but...y jason behind wan la? -_-''

pointing*.. a emaciated kangaroo!!

hehe some cartoon characters tat i took pics with~ :P

in the *toot toot* train~

tat's bout it... n before we leave dream world, the guys went for another ride in The Claw again.. -_-'' kns!!

FUN!!! a lil tired.. n feel like puking a lil... but .. i enjoyed that day very much~ :)not that sueh after all, yea? :)

Friday, March 16, 2007

shit happens

if u have read my baby's sueh-ness post recently.. u must be thinking i'm having a terribly hard time here...but hey, i'm an optimist, therefore i always look at things in a positive way...(unlike my bf..BLUEK)...tom hanks(in the movie:forest gump) was right ..shit do happens.. whether u like it or not..sueh-ness and lucky-ness are always dwelling within us..both 50% -50%.. however, i believe there are some ppl who has been lucky for all their lives and of course, there will be too, those who have countless of misfortunate events in their lifetime... (oh , i hope i'm not in tat category..n my baby too)..ppl who believes in karma said that if u did good things in your previous life, then in this life, u're be incredibly lucky and wealthy..n vice versa for the unlucky peeps.. hope i falls in the 1st category..:P

yes,definitely i hate to deal with problems after problems ..and after...and after...probs..but i need to stay strong bcos my baby is trying so hard to settle each and every single one of it.. i can't do much of anything.. and i should not complain.. sumtimes i do wonder if i brought those sueh-ness to him..(hope not la.. later he kick me out of the house)-_-'' i believe , with time, things will get better .. i do hope so.~!~~! gonna wish upon a star tonite.. if there's one.. :) wish wish~

btw, most probably going to Dream World tomorrow instead of celebrating St Patrick's day.. who knows? we might change our mind..last minute.. (as usual)..but whichever it is, it's gonna be wonderful outing~I HOPE~

GOD .. ... please dun rain tomorrow.. pretty please... :)

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Layer one: on the outside
Name: Wong Pei Yee aka Jaecy
Birth date: 17th April 1986
Current status: Not available for a lLOooOoOOooOg tImE
eye colour: brown
hair colour: dark brown
righty or lefty: righty
zodiac sgn: Aries

Layer two: on the inside
your heritage: Chinese
your fears: cicak, flying insects..(not nyamuk alrite?, huge ones.. like bees or etc..
your weaknesses: i'm not capable in public speaking..:(.. no self confidence.. thee shall learn.!!!
your perfect pizza: CHEESE, n MORE CHEESE..n EXTRA CHEESE

Layer three: yesterday, today, tmr
Your thoughts first waking up: i'm in brisbane.. n not malacca edi... :(
Your bedtime: now? around 9pm or earlier.. nothing much to do rite now..zzzz
Your most missed memory: when i still stay in bear hill..loads of happy moments in that house... :(

Layer four: your pick
Pepsi or Coke: Vanilla Coke
MCD or BK: MC D!!!! i luv their crispy chicken, their curly fries, their fillet burger, their double cheese burger n mostly their fries!!!!!!!!!!!
group dates or single: single... more romantic ma..
adidas or nike: i prefer nike brand...but adidas shoes are alrite ~
Lipton tea or NeSTEA: nestea~
chocolate or vanilla: BOTH!!!!!! for cakes, ice creams, milkshakes.. YUMMY~
cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino~

Layer five: do you
smoke: i never did and never will
curse: ya sometimes i do... :P..but i dun really mean it..

Layer six: in the past month
drank alcohol: yea.. i think i did..:P
gone to the mall: yeap...most definitely
been on stage:nope.. afraid of the stage..!
eaten sushi: nope...I LOVE JAP FOOD.. miss sushi terribly.
dyed your hair: nope.. it was 3 months ago.. it cost rm 180 wei~

Layer seven: have you ever?
played a stripping game: nah.... crazy ~ i'm a girl.. never want myself to be naked in public!!
change who you were to fit in: not sure.. i dun know if i've changed... but ppl says that i did.. but i hope its for the better..

Layer eight:
age you're hopping to be married: somewhere between 26 to 30.

layer nine: in a guy/girl

best eye colour: grey
best hair colour: black.
short or long hair: short ...

Layer ten: what were you doing
1 minute ago: doing this thingy~
1 hour ago: surfing the net.. reading dawnyang's bloggie
4.5 hours ago: in the city.. had my Lunch~
1 month ago: at home.. playing ps2.. relek..
1 year ago:i'm at subang jaya...having fun with my adp friends..:P

Layer evelen: finish the sentence

i love: my family and friends.
i feel: that i'm fat.. n think too many unnecessary stuffs..
i hate: most parts of year 2006.... :(
i hide: some of my feelings.. cos i am a very sensitive person.. n it might hurt someone if i show my anger or etc..
i miss: my sister :)
i need: courage to stand tall!!!!

layer twelve: Tag 3 or more ppl
lazy tag my baby calvin, daphne , sheryl , jane, den den , guan n those who has a lot of time to spare.. :P

Saturday, March 03, 2007

~pics~. just as i promised~

pics pics pics!!!! just a few of them.. will upload more soon~~ :P

my baby n me.. i looked so sleepy.. did not sleep tat nite... cos gotta wake up around 3 the next morning.. a very early flight...hehe.. look dead heh?
posing before entering the plane... -_-''
reached brisbane d... in the city.. it's SUMMER ~~~~ so sunny ooooOo
me with the penguin~
cam whoring with baby~

in china town~~~~

tired baby.............>_< my baby n me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~
at the market in West End...

So many cute doggies ...

this doggie is pretty huge , know?

a pic in the market...-_-''

tat's for now.. tata babes~