Wednesday, March 21, 2007

mid sem exams! ARGH~

it's the end of march n this means........ exams exams .. darn~ kinda not looking forward to it.. u know..had to study freaking hard.. kinda pressured as my family want me to do well in my exams.. (i mean HD or D)ok!!!! i hope that i don't disappoint them~...n wat the hell? y is the Food Studies test falls on my 21st birthday!?~?~? so unfair!!!!!!!.. dun care... ask baby to bring me to the casino later at nite.. bluek~ for now, ....................


---------------study study study-------------------:(:(

omygosh~ how could i forget..

ASSSSsssignments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :(:(:(


Anonymous said...

good luck and do ur best !! ~~ : )

jaecywong* said...

haha thanx boy~