Friday, April 27, 2007

anzac day!!!

so wat's anzac day all about? ANZAC DAY marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.Sounds boring?but i definitely looking forward to the watch the parade.well, it's the same like the one tat i've seen in movie world, but of course,no looney tunes characters!gila-meh! it was april 25th, and the parade started at 10am sharp!There were thousands of ppl lining the streets to watch the march.waaa!! such a special occasion! the crowd clapped incessantly as the parade wound its way through Brisbane's CBD for more than two hours.Of course i did not stayed that long, i found it quite amusing at first.. but after an hour or so, i got bored.. cos the march was repeative. i think there were more than 15 bands including irish ones. :P but i continue watching it..... on tv .. :P HAHA.. so here are the pix!!!

those who lost their lives in the battle are remembered always..

i find this boy's cap kinda cute!
irish band!!

feeling bored edi.. so ...'s camwhoring time!!!

wat a huge fat tree!!
a must-take-photo spot!



today's 27th of april... and i received this!!!at last!!!!
although a lil late..(10 days to be exact!) but i'm happy de!!

it was glued so tightly!!! koyak koyak!
haha.. the envelope can throw edi..
nice cute card!! thanx :)
yes u two!!! THANX alot!!

btw, did u know,

the icon in ur card.....


haha is the same one on my comforter!!!!!
*but different gender lar*



Anonymous said...

waa!! u really having a lot of fun, huh?

Anonymous said...

i got go to the parade too! did not c u

'Ron said...

i wanna go the parade too!!! bring me!!!!

jaecywong* said...

tunggu slow slow