Tuesday, April 24, 2007

home alone

i'm all alone in the apartment tonite! babe went to friend's house to play mahjong.. i did not join as i want to finish studying for my test on thursday.. so tat i can go for ANZAC *clickable* celebration tomorrow ..think .gonna have some parade or sumthing.. will blog bout tat if there's anything special bout it. :)anywayz, i just had indomee*yes indomee in australia* with egg...yoghurt after tat.. n now? eating ice cream!!!!*haiz, baby sure gonna kill me wan* i actually finish almost half of the 2 litre ice cream wei!!!scary huh..baby did not even taste it yet! less than a week..regret regret... but it taste... OooOoo.. so nice.. n creamy. .. yummiez.. i must stop elaborating cos i felt like eating it again!! .. haha... how not to get fat like tat?!??!?! T_T

btw, recently, i've been walking to uni instead of using the free loop.. cos walking actually makes me more fresh,.............. and the fact that i won feel sleepy during lecture.. zzZZzz while walking, i usually listen to my mp3,groovy tune.. .. pumping my mood even more! :) oh ya, i even got freebies today!! a free yoyo and a whoopee cushion!*u know those type of balloon, when u sit on it, it will give out a POOooo sound~like farting.. HAHA.*. i'm not a balloon fan, so i'll just give to my baby ... gua.. :P later he use it on me .. surely i'll freak out lor!!sorry ah.. no pics.. darl brought to camera to the mahjong site.. -_-'' i have no idea y...

n in tonite's food studies class, it was my tutor for my workshop,Selma, who gave the lecture on vegetable n legumes. She was a good lecturer, she's nice, helpful,always joyful.. but!!! I CAN'T UNDERSTAND HER SLANG!! i think she's from india or something... can die.. like today, i was trying to keep myself calm , tried my best not to laugh...but me and carol.. couldn't take it when says WEDGES instead of VEGES! .. HAHA.. n at 1st, carol wanted to use her voice recorder to record the lecture.. but gave up after listening Selma's 1st sentence.. :P.. i hope Selma dun read this blog.. or i'll fail for my exam for sure!! HAHA..

oklar.. enough haha already... continue doing my work.. :P

p/s: u peeps read dawn's blog?*clickable* she's hot!! dun believe me? here's her latest pic..gonna be out in MAXIM..this month's issue!!!guys.. dun drool.. HAHA..n oh ya, vote for her as well!!


Innocent^^Guy said...

Wedges or veges? I'm just glad she didn't say weggies..haha i tell you later wat is weggie :P

Sorry, i took the camera for my blog..selfish me

and yea, dawn is damn hot in this pic..she is just pretty in the others..in fact she is quite perfect that i think she's fake... sad.

love u baby

jaecywong* said...

haha her slang can die wan....:P if baby listen sure cannot tahan wan..

yealo, i think she did plastic surgery.. her eyes part~ making her look more like ah mo.. not sure bout other parts though.. HAHA

Anonymous said...

ya dawn is hot!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaecy, I love Ice Cream, with nuts, cream, cheries, bannanas, chocolate chips, etc..........Nice to hear you are well. Later J

'Ron said...

why listen to her slang kenot tahan leh?wowwww~~define ur 'beh tahan leh'..make ppl misunderstood only...notti u~~~!!!

jaecywong* said...

hahhahaah next time i come back i will tell u the way my lecturer speaks!... BUEH TAHAN!!