Tuesday, April 10, 2007

my "bday" cake!

today,my babe wanted to bake a cake so badly! i so happy-lar! we bought the butter cake*dun ask me y butter cake..i had no idea too*fuh!* mix a few days ago at coles and it cost about aud 2. omigosh~ cheap leh*cheap is good!*~ making cakes are getting easier nowadays, we just need to add 3 tablespoon*my babe added 4 instead-_-''* of margarine,2 eggs, & 2/3 cupf milk!mix em together using an electric mixer,which we do not have,*fuh* so we use a large wooden spoon to mix all the ingredients together ..so tiring.. i was kacau-ing it while watching tv!both of us take turns to do it.. my wrist hurt a lil =_='' haha~

tat's the butter cake mix!~ i'll try out dutch chocolate some other time:)



mission accomplished!!!
cutting cake ceremony~~!!! happy early bday to me!! :Psowie ah, house messy*

yum~!!! know i look hideous!bluek!
baby slicing the cake * thanx baby*

haha so many small cubes! but i can confirm that baby and i can finish em in 4 days.. or maybe 3?

the outcome is really 2 thumbs up!! *out of my expectation**haha* it smells, um, wat's the word, hm... extremely ...buttery!! haha.. ~ appearance wise,it looks like those cakes u buy from outside lar*cheh,in the near future, i might have my own bakery shop, i can bake my own cakes n sell em haha*.... and same goes for the flavour of the cake..! taste awesome!i like the surface of the cake the most~:Pbut babe still thinks that the cake needs more butter. -_-''

p/s: thanx babe for the cake!!!! know it's very troublesome :) muakz~


Anonymous said...

haha.. so keng arr. first time bake d jadi! bleah..my first time baking a cake with my sis turn up to be not Ok at all.. haha...

jaecywong* said...

haha! no la this cake very simple wan de.. just add all the ingredients together, stir stir then bake d.. -_-'' they even provide the icing for us~ just add butter , then can d..next time, no need to buy bday cakes edi, bake myself can d haha :P

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaecy, When is your BD? Love Ya, Dave

jaecywong* said...

mine is on 17th of april~ haha..