hairy post~~
have this anxiety to cut my hair lately...i feel that it's getting too long.. very bothersome!!.. n i just feel like cutting them!!snip* snip* but my bf says it's not long at all..actually i kinda agree..cos when i took a pic of myself, it shows as if that my hair has never grown at always remain at that certain length!! * ever since i left msia*
i wanted try something new for a change.. a long hair.. just like avril lavigne's hair *her image just pops up when i think of long straight shiny hair* but i have no will power.. i always chop my hair off when it's beginning to touch my neck.. kinda makes me feel,it makes my head kinda heavy .. HAHA..nonsense rite? till now, i never had a long long hair lor..,but this time.. i really wanna have a long hair lar.. this is the longest time ever that i have not cut/trim my hair.. n also the longest length ever.. cheh... break record edi~ actually one of the reason that i'm not getting a hair cut here is because it's kinda pricey.. i can just stick to my long-hair-till-slightly-above-my-navel plan!!
did u know..
i wanted try something new for a change.. a long hair.. just like avril lavigne's hair *her image just pops up when i think of long straight shiny hair* but i have no will power.. i always chop my hair off when it's beginning to touch my neck.. kinda makes me feel,it makes my head kinda heavy .. HAHA..nonsense rite? till now, i never had a long long hair lor..,but this time.. i really wanna have a long hair lar.. this is the longest time ever that i have not cut/trim my hair.. n also the longest length ever.. cheh... break record edi~ actually one of the reason that i'm not getting a hair cut here is because it's kinda pricey.. i can just stick to my long-hair-till-slightly-above-my-navel plan!!
did u know..
the hair cut that i USED to always end up with is...
the very popular one...........
very funny looking one.....
even have a song for it...
my bf laughed n teased at me because of it..
my friends call it coconut or topi keledar -_-''
get the picture already?
yea.. the golden coconut!!
the very popular one...........
very funny looking one.....
even have a song for it...
my bf laughed n teased at me because of it..
my friends call it coconut or topi keledar -_-''
get the picture already?
yea.. the golden coconut!!
and another..posing with my mp3..looked stupid isn't it?-_-''
and another when i was young...:D
haha no worries, my hair ain't gonna change back to that anymore!!! haha!!! enough is enough!!looking back, i really have no idea y i have that hair cut... hmm... really look like mushroom.. haha!!!
this is how i look now..
grow grow grow!!!
i want my hair to be like hers.. badly!!
haha no worries, my hair ain't gonna change back to that anymore!!! haha!!! enough is enough!!looking back, i really have no idea y i have that hair cut... hmm... really look like mushroom.. haha!!!
this is how i look now..
grow grow grow!!!
i want my hair to be like hers.. badly!!
Hey Jaecy, The cocnut look is so you sweetie. Still the long hair would look so cool on you. BTW go to my blog. (somebody has been writing about you and your twin. Love you Bye.
yea..keep long repunzel...hahahaha
dave: haha thanx for the compliment~~ :) alrite will read bout it asap :
sharon: not like repunzal la.. like ur length also can!! but i wan more volume~~ :Pur hair now looks like how ah?i so long no c u edi T_T
my hair was long... and i like the length...but went for hair cut just turn out to be disaster....
in brief........i'm
horrible looking?!?!?!
wei.. dun say until so exaggerating!!
u go send me a pic of yours through e-mail la!! i'll comment... maybe not that bad lei?
i wan my hair to be like her alsoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo more more more volumeeeee !!!!!! i realize my hair very less la T_T .. but length is long enuf.. XD how long u nvr see me.. huhu =p blek! waist length ed loh
wa... kam chiong ah??
go buy special shampoo to make more volume la.. got one ma.. haha but quite ex la.. bluek
so long ah.. go trim a bit la... hehe
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