Monday, May 14, 2007

happy mommy's day????

read julyn's elaine's n jane's blog today n all of them post about the same thing.!!!it's about mother's day.. hmm n so i tot i should do the same.... bluek~*

frankly speaking... i dun even know when's mother's day.. i just asked my bf today n he told me it was yesterday.. i was like.. huh? is it?...cos weirdly enough, my family does not celebrate mother's day.....

me n my siblings have never bought anything for my mom before for mother's day.. n sad to say, her bday as well... *maybe got... very long LONG long time ago*

it's not that we do not want to buy anything for her... but it's just so hard to buy something that she really wants cos she basically can afford anything that she wants ...and she always remind us not to buy her gifts..*she prefers cash instead*.. haha..the only person who bought her stuffs is my papa.. my papa always buy flowers for mama during mother's day..haha.. i know.. -_-'* should be the childrens' responsibility*..n of course my papa also gave her some $$ to spend.. tat's wat makes her REALLY HAPPY ~

this year , however, since there are so many advertisements,banners, n etc bout mother's day.. i tot oh well, i should just send a mother's day card for my mummy... and i did !!! i feel so good.. hehe~i hope she likes the card's simple but at least she knows that she is loved.. and forever remembered~ muakz~

my mom is very different than any mom~ she's special in her own way~ people thinks that she's funny ~ hehe.. for example:


MAMA: next time ah, if got ppl want to rape u, say fire fire, instead of help!!or robber!!
me: y ah?
MAMA: cos malaysians won help wan if u say help!! but fire ah,everyone will come out.. cos they scared to die!!
me : -_-''.. true also ha...

*in the car**when i just passed my driving test*
MAMA: why u drive the car so slowly?
me: safe ma..
MAMA: drive faster!! drive like lembu onli! u're not longer L d know? step petrol!! in msia drive so slowly later ppl keep honk u! *L=lembu*
me: okok..*nervous*
MAMA: faster!!!!!!!!!!!!

and unlike any mom, my mom trust me..n this means, i never have curfew before n ever since like primary, it's ok for me to mix with guys too..... wat a sporting mom!! muakz!


hehe my mom.. with her weird expression on her face!

p/s: it's been 3 months since i talked to my mum... how r u mom?i'm a bad bad gurl :P


Anonymous said...

your mom received the card already?must call back more often, know?

Elaynne said...

3 months???????? That's awfully longgggggggg......... call ur mummy gal..

jaecywong* said...

haha... will call la.. no worries.. just dunno wat to talk to her.. -_-''

i dun think she got the card yet... :P ok la.. after my presentation i will call back.. bluek!!!

feel guilty d

Anonymous said...

cute mama u have XD.. i remember i met her once.. went to ur hse last time ya? hehe sporting good good.. wat the... 3 MONTHS!?!?!?! darhh call ur mumee lah wei.. i cant imagine when i go uk.. MAMAAAAAAAAAAA!!! cry cry T^T