Monday, May 28, 2007


robbers.. snatch thieves and etc have always occur in malaysia.. we read in the newspaper.. we watch in the tv news.. but we just don't acknowledge much about it.. probably because we always think that these incidents will never happen to us.. i was one of them..

i was wrong..

my mom used to tell me this:

mama: u know ma, when ah got robber wants ur money , just give it to them k ? then they will just run away with the money..they want ur money and not ur life!

me: why wor!! can just kick their ballz ma!

mama: cannot!! later they slash u into pieces onli know

me: nola.. i can wan! i kick faster than them..

mama: ............*sai hei*


so yea... basically i didn't listen to wat my mom said.. my mistake..

n that day came, when i was working part time in subang parade.. there's this lorong that i need to walk pass everytime i go/come back from work..i always tot it was dangerous.. but after seeing the number of people using that lorong.. i tot heck!! it was the fastest way to reach subang parade.!!

I have no problems using that lane for about a month, untill... that day..

it was afternoon, and i was walking down the lorong..holding my bag on right.. suddenly, a FAT idiotic man on a motorbike with a mask ,drove the opposite way, *meaning the route is only for vehicles to move front, but instead he came from the back*, tried to snatch my bag!!!

i was in shocked!! I SCREAMED as loudly as I can.. he was frightened and drove away as fast as he could. i was so shakened by the incident that i quit my job in subang parade on that day itself. i was so afraid that i insist of staying at home till my baby come up to kl to bring me back to melaka..

* so weird la.. y i didn't post bout this before? or did i? i can't find it in my archives*

and this misfortunate event still haunts me..

yesterday, my bf told me that PEI WAN*sounds familiar? ij gurl ah**clickable* was robbed.. i was quite shocked at first.. and when my bf elaborate more bout the incident.. my jaw nearly fell off.. it was soo terrible!! i couldnt believe that ppl can go this far.. it's absurd!!!

* please read her blog about the incident*

so gurls and guys, please be careful... please acknowledge that msia is not that safe anymore.. this incident can happen to everyone..

including U..


Anonymous said...

I am glad you are ok, still the memory is hard to deal with sometimes. Miss your E-Mails.

'Ron said...

what's her blog? wanna read about it~

Anonymous said...

click on her name: PEI WAN on my post..

dave: e-mails? have i sent u any e-mail before?. btw, i'm alright now.. australia is way safer than msia..

Anonymous said...

derh = = god bless her.. luckily no major injury.. sigh.. ppls are getting crazzie nwadays wateva way as long can rob money they will use.. throw egg la bang car.. zz careful careful.. btw.. jc lui last time in subang i tot u lost ur bag tim..

Anonymous said...

hey hey genie~ ano ano.. very cialat hor... bang ppl car.. hijack her car.. so kesian :D.. u also must xia xin el.. :D

i no lost bag la.. choi!