Thursday, November 29, 2007

in singapore!!

currently in irene's room typing this bloggie. her room is so neat and tidy. cannot take it lei!! haha.. :P so unlike me ..btw, GOOD NEWS!!!

i finally bought my sony cybershot T70!!! WEEEEEEEEEE!!! and it;s rm 300 cheaper than in malaysia. it was unexpected la.. i didn't thought of buying the camera in singapore. but wat to do right, it turned out to be so much cheaper here. so happy ok!! and it's in PINK!! hoho!! happy macam giler!!

buying a camera kinda changed my whole shopping plan ... suppose to buy a few clothings as i currently have only very limited variety of clothes in melaka.. die.. :( nvm la.. camera more important!! now i can camwhore all i want!! weeeee! okla.. gotta go ... ivy zzzz already. ciao!

ps: will reply ur comments later wokiez!!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

in mp's starbux~

it has been 10 days since i reached msia. phew! life's been pretty hectic during that period. been working with ron for 6 days(which was suppose to be 9 days)*kinda tired working 10 hours per day for 9 consecutive days* yeala.. i very useless wan la.. :P bluek~ after i stopped working, i have only a day to rest because alan's birthday party is tomorrow!!! :D

it was awkward at first because i *thought* i didn't c any familiar faces that i know of.... until someone shouted PEI YEE!!.. hehe guess who? pui ling and choon yee!!! it's been years since i last saw them! crapped so much together =-='' full of nonsense.. brought up a lot of memories together... btw, will put up the pics in my next post!! :P camera not with me :D

oo yea~ going to singapore tomorrow with vivi~~!!! weeeeeeeeeeee~~ been yearning for singapore for a loong time !! and finally!! i can go sing already! i damn jakun right? hahaha =-=''

hope to c u in singapore tomorrow la..
i wonder how though..
my hp no international roaming..

btw!! miss my face leh!!! here's a pic that we took back in jojos!! :D great outing!!

okla.. gotta go .. ciao!! muah~ going to find irene and later go celup with li wen n her friends~~ :D happy!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007


yes..i've been lying to u peeps for sometime now.... :P i lied about having to sit for a lab prac exam on Saturday but actually,i was already on my way back to msia on Friday. :) sorry lo..i wanted to surprise my bf ma.. hehe..:P will blog bout that later when i'm free... currently working at MITC with sharon wong.. been talking non-stop together.. it's been so long!! omygod!!! :P so nice.. we've not seen each other for more than a year ok!! it's good to be in touch.. :P still the adorable yet fierce ronnie~~ hahaha ... okla. will blog again soon.. that's it for now.. a short update ~ hehe.. here's my hp no btw, 0136309999. :) sorry ya.. my papa's hp no geh.. not hotlink.. :) just give me a sms alright? thanx!~~ can't wait to c u other peeps!!! :P and the trip to sing with vivi!! :P

Saturday, November 10, 2007

shit lar!

i have another paper on monday but i'm just so tired !!! been studying non stop for the past few days.. i really need to get some rest!! :( but i can't! there isn't much time left and i have 8 topics to cover in 2 days.. OMYGOD RITE? =-='' in fact, the paper contains both mcq as well as short answers questions!! EEK!! i mean why want to make my life so miserable? !mcq mah mcq only ma.. why on earth do u need short answer questions for wei!!?!?! argh!! and konon the lecturer expect most of the students to get either D or HD for this subject!BULLSHIT!!

my anger membara boy!!! :( guess it's the effect of insufficient sleep.. hekz~ :( wanna get over with this paper n i can at least relax for a while. phew.. :( feel so restless...

Monday, November 05, 2007

hiatus.. AGAIN?

referring to the above, i'll be away from blogging for a while as my war begins tomorrow. exams!!! my nemesis!!

i did put a lot of effort in my studies for the 1st two papers, the hard papers, and i really hope that my hard work will pay off. it's weird. but all of the sudden, i felt the pressure, i dunno where this came from, but it really makes me feel weak and unwell. i hope this will not hinder my motivation to study for the other 2 papers, which is important as well. prolly it's the F&N group presentation marks that i just know of. like i said before, with this strict tutor, getting bad results wasn't a shocking news to me . kinda know what to expect. but still.. the anger and unsatisfactory!!! looking back, i should have chosen the tutorial class on thursday, which means i will have 4 days of classes per week; rather than having 3 days of classes but stuck with this idiotic in I-D-I-O-T-I-C!

sigh~no use crying over spilt milk. therefore, i've decided that for my next sem, i will choose my classes wisely, looking in every different aspect, getting a good tutor for example!! looking at the bright side, i should take this mistake as a learning experience and not make such a big fuss bout it. rite?

okla.. gotta get going~ all de best in ur studies for those who r having exams!!


Saturday, November 03, 2007

exam crisis?

seems like everyone is having exam woes~ ron, jul, xia shien,hazel,elsa & me! * both jane n elaine's exams are drawing near too.. but i dun c them complaining bout it in their blog.. prolly they are already prepared for the worst? haha*

btw, here's something calvin sent to me. :)

kinda made my day :P hehe

hope this help to reduce ur pressure a lil in ur studies,~ :)

New school semester:

user posted image

At the first week:
user posted image

At the second week:
user posted image

Before the mid-term test:
user posted image

During the mid-term test:
user posted image

After the mid-term test:
user posted image

Before the final exam:
user posted image

Once know the final exam schedule:
user posted image

7 days before final exam:
user posted image

6 days before final exam:
user posted image

5 days before final exam:
user posted image

4 days before final exam:
user posted image

3 days before final exam:
user posted image

2 days before final exam:
user posted image

1 day before final exam:
user posted image

A night before final exam:
user posted image

1 hour before final exam:
user posted image

During the final exam:
user posted image

Once walk out from the exam hall:
user posted image

After the final exam, during the holiday:
user posted image

*cute eh?*

like the final icon the most...
just imagine me doing it.. HAHA