Saturday, November 10, 2007

shit lar!

i have another paper on monday but i'm just so tired !!! been studying non stop for the past few days.. i really need to get some rest!! :( but i can't! there isn't much time left and i have 8 topics to cover in 2 days.. OMYGOD RITE? =-='' in fact, the paper contains both mcq as well as short answers questions!! EEK!! i mean why want to make my life so miserable? !mcq mah mcq only ma.. why on earth do u need short answer questions for wei!!?!?! argh!! and konon the lecturer expect most of the students to get either D or HD for this subject!BULLSHIT!!

my anger membara boy!!! :( guess it's the effect of insufficient sleep.. hekz~ :( wanna get over with this paper n i can at least relax for a while. phew.. :( feel so restless...


Mme Tshiamo said...

haiyo .. wanna blame your uni? at least better than give you ALL structured Qs lar. hahaha . your anger will rise up till you fall sick. that's bad :P

study lar. it's ok about how many you need to study for the paper. just make sure you can understand. one point leads to another. who knows you can score well in the exam?

God bless you ya ;)

Anonymous said...

dun membara jc lui.. bear wit it.. soon can go back jor.. on my bday itself -.- shiu shiu.. i pour water *pour water pour water* dun terbakar.. XDD good luck!!