Monday, December 31, 2007

mini 5sc2 gathering

this was a rather small gathering actually. i abruptly planned this outing and didn't expect any of my ex classmates to turn up.. but surprisingly, 6 of em did!! thanx gurls~ feels great to catch up with u gurls. i've not seen elsa, jiji, laine,& vernice ever since after spm! can u believe that? that's like.. 4 years? sheesh!! tat's really long!!! :P oh my.. time really flies :( but they r still the gurls that i met 4 years ago.. just more prettier lor.. a few got slimmer, a few got more *prosperous* :P and a few looked exactly the same!! vernice, for example. :P prolly taller la.. haha..

had loads of fun BS-ing, laughing our heads of off for no apparent reason, just blabbing away .. :) miss all the gurlie talks.. hoho~ :P

gurls will be gurls.. camwhoring pics !!!

oo did i mention tat 6 out 7 of us are bloggers? haha..

japanese cheese cake.. bah! doesn't taste japanese to me~

fattening yet blissful..

my margarita~








and the last photo!!!with a lil camera effect!!! :D



Sunday, December 30, 2007

tine's mini makeover!

sheesh~ wanted to blog bout this ages ago but didn't have the internet connection to do so. sorry tine~ :( oo but guess wat~ i finally can online in my room edi~ yeap~ big bro has this USB-SIM card modem connection thingy, which is quite cheap n convenient~ it's only rm 66 per month, and all u need is just a USB Modem stick thingy and a digi postpaid. tat's all. but there's a catch u c, the connection is quite slow. fuh! so not used to it. it's so much slower than the dial up ones. :( can't wait to go back to aus to experience the full speed internet conn again!!! :P i miss downloading stuffs .. :( my animes especially!!

ok back to the main topic, tine's makeover. she bought a cleanser from Kose and got herself a free makeover , a small gift set of Kose's facial products, and a photoshoot. it was a good deal and i wanted to do it as well. however, i need to buy a product from kose which i dun need. so NOPE, no makeover for me. :)


tine before her makeover..

applying eye shadow..

after makeover~~
i didn't think the hairstyle was awkward at all. =-='' prolly cos i think i've seen more outrageous hairstyles than this. i guess u do need to make your make up n hairstyle a lil extraordinary to make a attractive photo. or else, it'll just look plain,dull & boring.

the photographer directing her pose..



*next post, 5sc2 mini gathering*

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

christmas eve~

what do u get when u have 7 gurls 1 guy and a camera??


in karyn's place!!










we shall have this next year again!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

1 utama~

a few days back, i went to 1 utama again!!!

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:P actually the main reason that i traveled all the way to kl is to retrive my airtickets from kl central. i felt like i'm a very independent person, a nomad, tat's wat ivy called me, when i told her how i travel here n there. for example, upon reaching kl, i halted the bus to stop at the Maharajalela LRT, and then used the lrt to Kl central.

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traffic congestion on my way to kl~ :(

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in kl central

from there, i asked for directions to get to the MAS ticketing office, and was shocked to see so many people there. i was clueless. i mean, i should have known that it's holiday season and all but.. *didn't know that mas is so popular also* furthermore, it was a weekday, n it's not even lunch time!

however, :( was fortunate to stumble upon a nice young man, who gave me his queue number, which was less than 20 numbers away. just when i wanted to say thank you, he vanished into thin air. WOOSH! i can't even remember his face, if he was a malay or chinese or indian. prolly it was an angel =-=' i wasn't expecting this, and from the time stated on the queue number, he was already waiting since 2 hours ago. i wonder wat changed his mind? =-='' oh well, THANX DUDE!

and after i got my air tix ready, i took the putra lrt to Kelana Jaya, the last stop, about 20 minutes away. and after that, i was suppose to get a bus to 1 u. however, plan changed when rain started pouring down heavily and the bus was late. i was desperate, thus, taking the taxi was my the only alternative. sheesh. so do i consider myself as a nomad? haha. there were a few other list of places that i went with the help of public transports. thank god for em!*

rm 8 later, i met up with my ex adp friends. this meeting with david and hanyang was kinda last minute plan. i didn't thought of meeting them actually .. since there were a few problems between me n david in the past, and wouldn't want to make things even more complicated.sigh.

both of them didn't change a bit, which i was disappointed actually. nono .. not that i'm unhappy for who they are. but still.. it's just awkward being with them, we didn't click like we used to, things just seem different. maybe i am the who has changed. i suppose. did i?

btw, we had lunch in Chilli's, their portion is real huge. :P miss Chilli's.

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after eating lunch, i felt that the 3 of us didn't have much things to talk bout. ididn't want this intense situation to go on so i suggest to go for a movie. we wanted to watch Enchanted. i was disappointed again when the tix were all sold out and so we opt to watch the warlords instead.

it's a mandarin movie, with jet li, takeshi and andy lou in it. the movie was ok. it's about brotherhood, betrayal, tonnes of misunderstandings, different opinions in each character, that leads to confusion, pain and also deaths. i dun like jet li's character in movie. :( but i didn't want him to be killed either. haha :P(spoiler!)

after the movie, both david n han yang left. and i met up with ivy goh! yes it's her again! she's one gurl who hasn't change a bit la. both of us still can talk so much nonsense together. which i missed so much when i was in brisbane. it's like we can't keep quiet for one minute! we're that terrible! :P after walking aimlessly around 1u, we thought of trying out SushiGroove , for dinner.

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i luv the menu a lot. the names of the sushis and dishes were captivating and attractive. *drools*i wanted to try everything, but didn't have the appetite and cash to do so. we did however, ordered 5 different type of sushis including a dessert. eating sushi is very filling for me. which is good, prevent me from binge eating later on. :P

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ivy~ :P

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was sick the day before.. :(


*i forgotten the names for the sushis.. :( *

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this was called something fireball .. haha

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the dessert that IVY ordered wasn't as nice as we thought it would be. the mango icecream was ok but the outer layer pastry was too soggy. just didn't blend well together.

after ivy paid the bill, (yeap, it was her treat after all, for my belated bday thingy), we went to search for cakes! hahaa been eating a lot lately, but wat to do, i love cakes!! i think i had about 12-13 slices of cakes eversince i touched down msia. madness! haha :P

we actually wanted to give Bakerzin a try, but there wasn't much variety & choices of cakes/ muffins/ cupcakes to choose from.

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walking out from bakerzin without ordering anything kinda dampen our excitement a lil, but we were still determine to get our cakes, no matter wat. HAHA

finally, miss read's Dlish captured our attention. the decoration and design of the place was plain and simple. i liked it. moreover, there was a vast array of pretty and delicious looking cupcakes/cakes.
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i got myself a mousse vanilla strawberry cake,
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while ivy had chocolate banana cake~ :) don;t they look divine?
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didn't really like the anterior texture though, too hard and too sweet. but liked the inner part of the cake. it was soft and fluffy~ and as for ivy's, it was lovely but can be a lil overkill after eating several bites of it.

a few more of our pics before rounding this post up!

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ivy~ flipping through the menu~

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looked damn tired in this pic~

that's all!! phew! long post!

Monday, December 17, 2007


life in malacca is getting dull. bored to the max. yeap. u guessed it right, i'm in Kl now.. AGAIN. haha just dun like being in malacca, especially at home. makes me feel very useless at home, lazing around, doing nothing. well, i did thought of getting a part time job. but .. i am suppose to be in a holiday mode isn't it? and when i get back to brisbane, i'll need to juggle both work and studies. i do need to relax wokie? haha.. wish that i am lucky enough to get a temporary part time job. like those road shows/expo/sales, working only for a few weeks or so. sheesh.

btw, i've already bought my air tickets back to brisbane, will be flying off on the 13th of feb. yeap. after cny , a day before valentine's and also it's on ivy's bday. haha. damn crap! at least i can celebrate cny la.. but won't be celebrating valentine's day n ivy'd bday. aww.. :( will try to have a pre celebration for both before i fly. *wish wish*

am kinda looking forward to get back to brisbane actually. miss brisbane like crazy! :P soon very soon! oh ya btw, now air asia X is having this promo to Gold Coast for rm 166, excluding tax that is. it's still very cheap compared to the normal air fare tix. unfortunately, ivy told me that the flight service isn't that good. hard to move around, small plane i suppose and the only food that they serve are nasi lemak and cup mee for a whooping rm 6. madness! not sure if they provide any entertainment or not though. forgotten to ask bout that. but still, it's very very cheap. do come n visit me in gold coast!! :D it's real fun! with the 5 different Worlds to explore!!sin ye might be coming to brisbane during my hols next year! and will be meeting up with wei jin in melbourne too!! wee! :D

Sunday, December 16, 2007


special guest in my blog today!!!!!

drum roll pls!!!!!!

my sister, Paecy Wong

hahahaha =-=''

she's a great sister. quick-witted , bubbly, loud , dog lover, crazy, cunning and weak. haha what a mix of personalities.

but overall, i love her to death!! :P muah muah!

few pics taken during our outing in mp~

mp's christmas decoration~~
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sister trying hard to pose..:P
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in coffee bean..
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i forgot wat chocolate cake was that..but it's way chocolaty for my taste!
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pahlawan's christmas decoration~ much better than mp's
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christmas caroling on the stage~ a short video that i took.. kept laughing throughout the clip~=-=



accompany my sis as she's bored in her work place.. really bored.. =-=''

pretending to be working..

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went to secret recipe for a small lunch break~ my celebrity cake.. i think it's chocolate cheese cake .. forgot wat's the name.. but i know that hannah tan design this cake..:) the pink icing on top is too sweet.. yux!
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my sis's caramel cake.. so-sola.. caramelish!
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dinner at some japanese restaurant in Muar~
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i heart sushi!!!!!
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MY siS's Place in Muar

her petite christmas tree~
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playing her digital piano~
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a pic taken with her during david tao's concert~~
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pic taken with her current bf :) sweet~~!!
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