special guest in my blog today!!!!!
drum roll pls!!!!!!
my sister, Paecy Wong
hahahaha =-=''
she's a great sister. quick-witted , bubbly, loud , dog lover, crazy, cunning and weak. haha what a mix of personalities.
but overall, i love her to death!! :P muah muah!
few pics taken during our outing in mp~
mp's christmas decoration~~
sister trying hard to pose..:P
in coffee bean..
i forgot wat chocolate cake was that..but it's way chocolaty for my taste!
pahlawan's christmas decoration~ much better than mp's
christmas caroling on the stage~ a short video that i took.. kept laughing throughout the clip~=-=
accompany my sis as she's bored in her work place.. really bored.. =-=''
pretending to be working..
went to secret recipe for a small lunch break~ my celebrity cake.. i think it's chocolate cheese cake .. forgot wat's the name.. but i know that hannah tan design this cake..:) the pink icing on top is too sweet.. yux!
my sis's caramel cake.. so-sola.. caramelish!
dinner at some japanese restaurant in Muar~
i heart sushi!!!!!
MY siS's Place in Muar
her petite christmas tree~
playing her digital piano~
a pic taken with her during david tao's concert~~
pic taken with her current bf :) sweet~~!!
drum roll pls!!!!!!
my sister, Paecy Wong
hahahaha =-=''
she's a great sister. quick-witted , bubbly, loud , dog lover, crazy, cunning and weak. haha what a mix of personalities.
but overall, i love her to death!! :P muah muah!
few pics taken during our outing in mp~
mp's christmas decoration~~
sister trying hard to pose..:P
in coffee bean..
i forgot wat chocolate cake was that..but it's way chocolaty for my taste!
pahlawan's christmas decoration~ much better than mp's
christmas caroling on the stage~ a short video that i took.. kept laughing throughout the clip~=-=
accompany my sis as she's bored in her work place.. really bored.. =-=''
pretending to be working..
went to secret recipe for a small lunch break~ my celebrity cake.. i think it's chocolate cheese cake .. forgot wat's the name.. but i know that hannah tan design this cake..:) the pink icing on top is too sweet.. yux!
my sis's caramel cake.. so-sola.. caramelish!
dinner at some japanese restaurant in Muar~
i heart sushi!!!!!
MY siS's Place in Muar
her petite christmas tree~
playing her digital piano~
a pic taken with her during david tao's concert~~
pic taken with her current bf :) sweet~~!!
whre's ur current base now?when u going back?u travel alot yah!any difference u c when u go around/?
i ah~ consider at melaka lo.. yea wanna travel around msia before flying back to brisbane ma.. um.. difference ah.. um.. =-='' not really la.. fashion sense different la.. :P
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