Sunday, April 13, 2008

freaking sien


biochem exam's on tuesday and i'm so not prepared!!! Gah!!! n the lecturer told us that biochem is WAY easier than the previous chemistry subject we took last sem. bullshit. it's far worse thanthat. funny thing is, the duration of the exam is just an hour. enam puluh minit tau? like wth? with 2 short answers that is. 75 words max.*ok.. which is not long n not too short** no i dea wat am i trying to portray here* and based on the examples of the questions he posted online, its nothing close to wat i've read from the lecture notes. why then, did he created the lecture notes? he should have just emphasize about reading the text book only! which i .. erm. studied a lil..*guilty* it's just way too detailed n freaking long. i can't concentrate reading something that are long winded.. just isn't me. n yeap. u guessed it right. i'm not a reader. i dun read books. thick ones especially. nope dun read tom clancy. not even harry potter for god sake. there are some exemptions though. hm.. like romance stories, fairy tales like. n i dun like reading small letterings=-='' it will make the page looks confusing. and that will make me confused bwahahaha=-='' ok i'm full of crap. this is wat i get when exams are coming. hate it. n this is just mid sem. omg. finals how? O.O sure die. so not looking forward to it. i am however, looking forward for this saturday. weee! will be having fun the whole day after the test in the morning~ :) okla. need to get back to studying. freaking protein!!!!!

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