Saturday, June 28, 2008

this is a food post

remember that i said i have 4 papers spread within 4 weeks? after every 1 or 2 papers, my friends and i will have a small celebration. in fact, we celebrated thrice, lol, and each celebration consists of food, of course. lol. 

for our first celebration, which is after biochem's examination, sarah and i had nando's ! the nando's here taste the same in msia but the price..? TOTALLY DIFFERENT! a quarter of a chicken cost aud 10++ , which is equivalent to rm 30+ . omgod rite? lol. but sarah and i craved for nando's that day, n also after exam ma..*excuses* so.. we ordered the meat platter. =-= i forgot wat's it really called la. in short, the meal oni have meat la, chicken wings, half of a chicken and tenderloins. lol. it's really a lot. but the two of us manage to finish it. hoho! carnivores!!! i used my hp to take the pics de.. hence the small pics :)

2nd celebration, me, sarah, junior and cindy went to eat at Sitar, a Indian restaurant. 4 roti canai cost around  3 dollar. lol. okla.. but the curry is very pricey. aud 10-15 for a small bowl. VERY SMALL indeed. we ordered a few dishes only, just two curries, 8 roti canai (prata n something spinach*not bad* lol) , starter platter, and a bowl of yellow rice.(very nice taste wan). the roti canai also very different lo. bigger n a lil soggy. not crunchy. prefer crispy ones. my fave is the curry, the rice and the start platter. oh oh n we have complimentary papadum also!

last time calvin used to cook papadum n curry for me wan... missed those timess..
lol calv,
remember i cook curry for u or not!?!?! LOL

sarah, so happy eating papadum!!


starter platter~~yummzz

our food~~~



On the last day of celebration, the whole gang and i went to the city to have OVERPRICED malaysian food. n the food is just so-so. already expected edi la.. lol 



mee goreng~

laksa!!!!!! doesn't taste like one though

heidi posing with her laksa~

this is hilarious! nasi lemak!! got brocolli wan their nasi lemak.. lol

n this is my pad thai curry chicken with rice!!! i think it's the best compared to theirs~

sorry ah dun have my face...i looked terribly horrible. lol :) okla gotta stop typing n
get some sleep 1st.. going to work at 10pm till 6am tonite. lol. i know.. siao. :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

omigod it's finally over~

2 weeks of exams. well it's actually just 4 papers =-= but the exam dates were so messed up. so exhausting, know? sort of wanted to give up after the 3rd paper. but nola... i'm not that easily defeated. umph! :) 

now that exams have finally ended, i can switch back to my relax mode that i yearned for months. this sem has been very hectic! no kiddin. it's a total whirlwind semester . and i foresee another one in next semester. cos next sem's subjects are mostly science subjects, which means more memorizing.(formulas, freaking absurd drug names, mechanisms n etc) i am so not looking forward to all of those nasty subjects. i am however, looking forward to 3rd year's subjects, mainly practicals related to nutrition, for instance, women's health n professional practice for community nutrition. less science subjects, more of managing nutrition projects. wee!!!! :) so much fun~

anywayz, holidays have started and i only have less than a month to enjoy em. like so unfair. y those students in sg have 3 months of hols wan? T_T how can like tat? sob sob! so how am i spending my hols? well, nothing much really . lol.  was supposed to go melbourne. but  i changed my mind n will be staying here and work instead. prolly some other time. maybe at end of the year, okay? sorry cindy and bel :) hugs!! u peeps have fun alrite? 

oh btw, i bought a red dress for my sis's wedding already. happY!!! quite expensive for a simple dress though. will only show it to u guys on my sis's wedding ~~ :P ohh less than 6 weeks. can't wait can't wait.!!!!! can't wait to c calvin oso!! :P 

must be wondering y this post only consists of words. =-=''the  problem lies in my stupid internet connection. so slow that i can't upload a single thing with it. it was supposed to be refreshed like eons ago, but it didn't. the landlord said it was due to some unforeseen circumstances.. blalaalbala excuses la i really can;t live without the internet. and i'm hostile when my internet is unusable. like i have pms or sumthing. speaking of pms, u know i was so freaking stressed bout my exams that my menses came twice during my exam period. that twice within 13 days. =-='' n it diminished just a day after my final paper. absurd. =-=''

 i think i'm really pressured bout studying here in aussie n really trying my hardest to achieve good grades. no time to have fun n etc. just study study, no fun. it's a like a responsibility for me to get good grades, as i would not want  my parents to be disappointed in me. n since they have spent so much on my studies, how can i fail them, rite? n for my family, a pass is not enough. hai... n just the other day, my father told me that i can continue to study another year if i want to. (sounds unwillingly) initially i was happy but after a few moments, i was thinking, if i could go on like this for another 2 years and a half. not that i dun like the course that i'm doing, i love it. but.. like.. is it worth it? my parents have never wanted me to study this course. but because of my passion for it, they give in.. many frustrations, u know? n let's say i want to swap my course to dietetics, i will need to wait till early next year to know if i got in or not. wtf . and a lil bird told me that the GPA to enter dietetics might increase next year and looking at next sem's subjects, i might not be able to maintain my gpa. omgod. it's like as though God does not want me to study dietetics. it's like a sin or sumthing. maybe He wants to challenge me. wants to c how much i really want this.... haih.

anywayz.. just a few hours ago, due to boredom, i started blog hopping and a particular blog grabbed my attention. this gurl is really rich. i mean superbly rich. till the extent that she can have her very own HUGE (read: massive) collection of prada, gucci, lv and burberry bags. ok, i think everyone will surely say that i'm envy of her. but i'm actually not. instead, i despise ppl like her. mainly because she's unemployed( she's 21 n currently bumming around doing ntg) and she's using her family's money on those branded stuffs. i will not criticize her if she actually used her own money( as in work) to buy those branded stuffs. i felt that she is quite spoilt lor.' dunno la, for me, just does not seem rite to me.

okay better stop typing now~~ ~:) will update another post asap with pics~~ till then~

Saturday, June 07, 2008

it's that time again..

yeap . exam's around the corner and i've been studying my arse off lately..yea just lately.. lol... damn. i procrastinate too much already! hai.. and i'm actually hoping that this sem's results will be better compared to last sem's. which is quite terrible. *finger crossed*

so many unhappy events have been happening in my life lately. just got to know that i won't be able to do another year here *that i yearn for so much*  as the fees for 2010 will be $10500 a sem. like omygod rite? that's like a whopping $21000 for a year. O.O

 friends have been telling me that it's worth it cos studying is like an investment and with the dietetics qualifications, it is easier to get job, the pay is higher n etc... but i just feel bad about it. it's just too expensive. well, i said to myself that after i graduate at the end of 2009, i will get a job n after a year or two, i might do masters or sumthing. prolly that's a better

doing dietetics is my ultimate dream.... but.. sadly, i can never achieve it..
actually wanted to cry so badly when i know about the bad news. but was in the city..tried very hard to hold my tears till i got into the toilet... and cried n cried. haven't cried like that for such a long time.. tears just kept falling ... whenever someone brought that subject up, i just can't help it..i will cry.. eventho i try not to....hai.. life goes on. :) be posimistic! a word that learn from tv. :) 

enough of the depressing part, gonna put some photos from my hp, during my exam preparation. lol

This is the Garden Point's library and i study here most of the time. i just can't study at home.

dun be shocked. this pic was taken a few days before my physio midterm exam!

yesterday's group discussion on epidemilogy. omygod the heated argument! lol
so frustrating...

oh btw,  this song really made my day.. :) such an optimistic song. :) 
it's natasha's Pocketful Of Sunshine. :)

Sunday, June 01, 2008

outing with sarah part 2

so the next morning, we walked to the bus stop to go to uni and i realized that the 10 minutes walk was short. hmm.. weird rite.. that nite, the walk seemed forever yet in the morning, i felt it's quite short. anywayz, it was that day we were informed bout Dr Ron's brain cancer. :(

guess it actually dampens our mood a lil.during our journey to the Indooroopilly's shopping mall we were silent most of the time. we did however,  ended up talking bout ghost n supernatural stuffs... which is sarah's fave topic. she really like ghost stories/shows! can be best buddies with my bf already. hehe. but nah.. i cannot.. i very takut of these stuffs.. *goosebumps*

upon reaching the mall, we went to grab something to eat. n that day, i craved for chinese food and so i got myself this!! 

it's like economy rice la.. but very pricey indeed.. 8.50 dollar for a small plate.. but i think the ppl working there were very generous. i mean, look at my plate! it's overflowing with food. like mountain man..some of the food were falling off from the plate as well. but they didn't charge me extra wor.. :P n needless to say, the food taste awesome! well, not all chinese food in aussie sux. :)

oklaaa.. will just upload the pics . lazy to blog liao. :)