omigod it's finally over~
2 weeks of exams. well it's actually just 4 papers =-= but the exam dates were so messed up. so exhausting, know? sort of wanted to give up after the 3rd paper. but nola... i'm not that easily defeated. umph! :)
now that exams have finally ended, i can switch back to my relax mode that i yearned for months. this sem has been very hectic! no kiddin. it's a total whirlwind semester . and i foresee another one in next semester. cos next sem's subjects are mostly science subjects, which means more memorizing.(formulas, freaking absurd drug names, mechanisms n etc) i am so not looking forward to all of those nasty subjects. i am however, looking forward to 3rd year's subjects, mainly practicals related to nutrition, for instance, women's health n professional practice for community nutrition. less science subjects, more of managing nutrition projects. wee!!!! :) so much fun~
anywayz, holidays have started and i only have less than a month to enjoy em. like so unfair. y those students in sg have 3 months of hols wan? T_T how can like tat? sob sob! so how am i spending my hols? well, nothing much really . lol. was supposed to go melbourne. but i changed my mind n will be staying here and work instead. prolly some other time. maybe at end of the year, okay? sorry cindy and bel :) hugs!! u peeps have fun alrite?
oh btw, i bought a red dress for my sis's wedding already. happY!!! quite expensive for a simple dress though. will only show it to u guys on my sis's wedding ~~ :P ohh less than 6 weeks. can't wait can't wait.!!!!! can't wait to c calvin oso!! :P
must be wondering y this post only consists of words. =-=''the problem lies in my stupid internet connection. so slow that i can't upload a single thing with it. it was supposed to be refreshed like eons ago, but it didn't. the landlord said it was due to some unforeseen circumstances.. blalaalbala excuses la i really can;t live without the internet. and i'm hostile when my internet is unusable. like i have pms or sumthing. speaking of pms, u know i was so freaking stressed bout my exams that my menses came twice during my exam period. that twice within 13 days. =-='' n it diminished just a day after my final paper. absurd. =-=''
i think i'm really pressured bout studying here in aussie n really trying my hardest to achieve good grades. no time to have fun n etc. just study study, no fun. it's a like a responsibility for me to get good grades, as i would not want my parents to be disappointed in me. n since they have spent so much on my studies, how can i fail them, rite? n for my family, a pass is not enough. hai... n just the other day, my father told me that i can continue to study another year if i want to. (sounds unwillingly) initially i was happy but after a few moments, i was thinking, if i could go on like this for another 2 years and a half. not that i dun like the course that i'm doing, i love it. but.. like.. is it worth it? my parents have never wanted me to study this course. but because of my passion for it, they give in.. many frustrations, u know? n let's say i want to swap my course to dietetics, i will need to wait till early next year to know if i got in or not. wtf . and a lil bird told me that the GPA to enter dietetics might increase next year and looking at next sem's subjects, i might not be able to maintain my gpa. omgod. it's like as though God does not want me to study dietetics. it's like a sin or sumthing. maybe He wants to challenge me. wants to c how much i really want this.... haih.
anywayz.. just a few hours ago, due to boredom, i started blog hopping and a particular blog grabbed my attention. this gurl is really rich. i mean superbly rich. till the extent that she can have her very own HUGE (read: massive) collection of prada, gucci, lv and burberry bags. ok, i think everyone will surely say that i'm envy of her. but i'm actually not. instead, i despise ppl like her. mainly because she's unemployed( she's 21 n currently bumming around doing ntg) and she's using her family's money on those branded stuffs. i will not criticize her if she actually used her own money( as in work) to buy those branded stuffs. i felt that she is quite spoilt lor.' dunno la, for me, just does not seem rite to me.
okay better stop typing now~~ ~:) will update another post asap with pics~~ till then~
it's been so long time since u last updated your blog..i seldom read post without pictures and heavy words... but i read each and every words of yours...hehehe...happy boh?
i didnt know studying in overseas could be so stress up,as i see all of them are enjoying themselves (those in sg) for me..i felt lonely here coz all of you were so far away...initially, i became i quiet person to some new friend found...hehehehe...
i wanna go brisbee so much...when u finish your studies there? i must start saving...kinda broke lately coz i've move out from my hostel and on my own now...sob...sob...
Heheh like Calvin used to say, everytime we look at pictures of people overseas we can only see them having fun but nobody sees the stress, pressure and homesickness that we go through:P Take good care of yourself and enjoy Brissy while you're still there. h
ron: yea ler damn happy! hehe. sg i think different a bit cos still asians lo i feel. easy to get along. here, the ah mo-s only like to party all day n curse a lot wan.. they work ah not serious was. can be quite irritating, especially the guys. ah mo gurls not that bad la.. but still topic wise...different lo..ya lo. i also became very quiet eversince my bf left. =-=' i not sure if i'll be studyin here another year or wat de.. still long de.. make sure u come lor.. :) hugs!
kelly: ano ano. damn blardy stress here. even now that i;ve finished my exam, i still stress.. waiting for my results.. HAI. ya.. will try to enjoy .. sobsob~
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