Sunday, July 06, 2008

a long lost friend

when jarrett koh posted a msg on my facebook telling me that he's coming to brissie, i was beamed with surprise as i have not seen him for ages! bout 6-7 years i suppose.  man, how time flies. but he still looked the same lor. in fact, he looked like the kungfu panda... because of his apparent dark circles under his eyes. lol. oh, n he's as blur as usual la.. but i realize that he's more talkative compared to last time. which is a good thing. i'm not saying that he talks a lot of bullshit.. but interesting topics, such as studies, investments, relationships n the list goes on. i really had fun catching up with him although it was just for a mere 2 hours.  

c ya around again, jarrett!! :)


oo btw, results are out. :/ not too bad.but i know i can do better. so.. i need to work xtra hard for next sem already :) 

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