Wednesday, November 12, 2008

exam's over! woohoo!

finally, it ended.

actually it ended yesterday

but a few of my course mates have exams today. so heck, we have to wait for them to celebrate. lol.

n so we went to China City( i think tat's the name of the place) to have dim sum

this was the 1st time i have dim sum in brisbane.

never had before, n i dun think i will have anymore of em.. cos it's pricey, n it does not taste as good as the one i had in msia. not nice not nice.

i love dim sums. i HEART dim sums.. *hint* *hint* 

i also like fried lobak with extra chili. simply my fave.

anywayz, there's something else to celebrate as well. it's heidi's birthday today :) happy birthday gurl~~

we ordered a lot, especially me.. :P n i think i ate most of em. :P n i'm still not full yet haha..i think i gained a few kilos lately. sad.

oklaa.. lazy to type below~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

this is me before heading out ~~~shiet. my face very bulat. T_T

fast forward to dim sum place~~~


birthday gurl~






forgotten to take pics of the dimsums. stupid me.

and then, we went for shopping~~ woohooo~~ n i got myself a white dress!!! MUAHAHAHAHA.. i can't believe i got myself a white dress!!! n heidi got herself a birthday dress. i think it looks cute :) and she bought an extra something that i think really made her day as well :P hehe.

i'll end this post with a pic of me,cindy and agnes at Dotti~



Innocent^^Guy said...

Y ur face so round! U fat already ah!!!

Anonymous said...

T_T sensitive question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Ron said...

teruk la this calvin...exam time memang like that one ma...

it's ok pei yee...*pat pat*

ehhh...your friend, sarah...really look like you lar...i mean..the feature...really! and she's pretty...ok lar..indirectly oso say u pretty la..ok boh? hahahaha...

Anonymous said...

soo happy yesterday going shopping~!! hehehe..even tho i didn't buy nething but just shopping around with u guys alot of funn ^.^
