1st clubbing experience in Brisbane
it was my first time clubbing... i mean 1st time in brisbane , of course! i'm not as innocent as u think i am! bluek~ roll eyes* there were 7 of us in all, kevin(cindy's neighbour), cindy, me , patrick, catherine ( patrick's cousin) , junior and me! :) made a lot of new friends that nite XD
oh ya! thanx patrick for fetching me :)
oh ya! thanx patrick for fetching me :)
tat nite, i had loads of complications before heading out... for example, should i bring a bag? it's hard to carry a bag around while dancing and it's way dangerous.! i realize that most clubbing places have no safety lockers for us to put our bags n other belongings! i mean, y is that? it's so weird!
i know guys will not have any probs with this issue, but for gurls, u know us gurls, we need to carry our jackets(it's cold ok), our huge purse(gurls' purses are just big! dun ask me y), tissues(in case of sweat n barf), make up(to look good 24/7), house keys(duh), camera(for blogging) and passport!(i've not applied for 18+ card yet, so i need to have my passport for age identification purposes!)phew! can anyone tell me Y?
hence, i did not bring my bag as well as my camera along.. sob!
Cesars is a famous clubbing spot in brisbane city, and very popular among asians. there are so many hot n cun asian guys there! *bi dun jeles* ivy also!! :P fuh! sweat!i saw one guy that looked exactly like justin! always wear cap one leh? :P
so we started dancing from 11 pm till 4 am ! geng lei! it closes at 5 am unlike msia's 12 pm , am i right? or maybe in some occasions, 1-2 am heh? XD
i prefer clubbing here in Brisbane than in msia, mostly because it's a NON SMOKING AREA! yea! ! dislike inhaling those nasty cigarette smokes and dislike having my body smelling like cigarettes!
during the 5 hours of dancing, i hardly sweat! *well there're break here n there, but that's not the point!* the reason is pretty obvious, cos i'm in brisbane remember? and it's pretty cold during the nite :P hehe no more feeling sweaty and sticky! :P if i club in msia, i will sweat profusely although i have just danced for less than an hour! whole body sticky n yucky!!:P which i dun certainly dun like!!~~hate it when those ppl who are sweaty and yucky rubbed his/her body(hands, elbows) against mine! eww!!! cannot tolerate lor!!
btw, i found a vodka drink that i like a lot that nite! i can't stand drinks that have too much alcohol in it.. i just dun like its strong taste! but this vodka drink is different, it's pink and guava flavoured~ the brand is vodka cruisers and it has very low percentage of alcohol, which i forgotten how much, and it's sweet! unlike any alcoholic drinks! luv it! muah muah!
they come in many fruity flavours like raspberry, cool lime, pineapple, passion fruit , lemon and ice! i've tried the raspberry but it taste so-so only! i love guave the most! highly recommended to gurls/ guys who dislike the alcoholic taste but want to have alcohol? choose
the songs played by the DJs were not really my type of music... some choices of songs like Umbrella by Rihanna and Glamorous by Fergie are just not compatible for club dancing!!*it's just too slow* -_-'; n it gets even more absurd when the DJ played several song from the early 90s! omigod!*blur*... however, there are songs that i liked, for instance, PCD , fat man scoop, timbaland n a few more others which i forgotten the names!feeling old..
my fave song for clubbing is still faith evan feat fat man scoop's Love like this before~well, the dj still need to do its thang to make the song more interesting :P and i didn't know the song is soo long!!
since you have not applied for your 18+ card, technically, i can still consider you under-aged right? :P
wow..really a big diff clubbing in brisbane comparing to m'sia. *nice* *nice*
woah..u really had so much fun thr..
non smoking area..wo wo..r u serious..that's soOo cool..
" i realize that most clubbing places have no safety lockers for us to put our bags n other belongings! i mean, y is that? it's so weird!"
Errr... because you'll be having a hard time searching for the key when you're drunk?
the nice part is no smoking !! ^^
hope there is 1 here like that..
calvin: i still have my passport to show u mar!! blek!!!!!!
stephanie&milky& jian: yea!! huge difference!! non smoking is the best! but the place still smokey though... but not cigarette smokes but those-no-smell-white-smokes that u always see in concerts :P i heard singapore is currently forming that non-smoking rule for their nite clubs too!!
hao: er.. well, it's their pasal to lose the keys lo! they have to pay extra rm 10 get the locker open lor... n there should be a bouncer looking out for thieves lar.. :P
next time i oso open nite club lar!! hahahha
wuahahaha..go once only then bercita-cita open night club ar? wuahahhaha...wooo~~ not bad ar...
hhhmmmm....a nutritionist opening a night club...wat drinks u will be selling? carrot juices? fruit juices? alfafa snacks... wuahahhaha....
*just kidding lar...actually can consider hor...maybe can attract those health consious ppl who enjoy clubbing
im crapping~
nutritionist during day... and nite club owner during the nite lo~ hehe :P
no need nutritious wan la!! :P
btw, i really thought of opening a cafe or some sort in the future~ :)
hehe.. then u all must come n pong chan know?
ish envy-nya.. hahaha i wanna go club in aussie !!!!!!! eh jc lui nt cold ah ? LOL .. eh one more thing msia close at 3am la darlin' XD
hahaha yea meh? i tot 1 am something like summore :P
ya lo.. come here lar.. alot of leng chai~ not cold arh.. the area hot de:P but not as hot as msia lar
yoyoyiyo youze can't spell 4 shit!! ching ching .coocoocachoo catch the loser train bak to singapore.... haf fun clubin catch ya in the smokoz spot. hola
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