Tuesday, July 24, 2007

sem 2 classes...

just the nite before the uni reopened, i was surfing the net and happily chatting away, and the time was already 2 am plus! in my mind, i tot *heyz.. tomorrow class at 8 am wei!! go sleep lar gurl!! lazy bum* but i just couldn't get myself to do so. Ever since the holidays started, i slept around 2am.. at first,.... after tat, 3 am... n then 4 am....plus* , which was obviously influenced by my boyfriend, a night owl!!* :P and will wake up about 2-3 pm the next day! :D hahahah!

so i forced myself to sleep! no doubt, i could not get up from bed till half an hour afterwards! omigod! i was so doomed! i got prepared very quickly and walked out from my apartment as quickly as i could. c'mon! it was freezing cold outside k~approximately 14 celcius! i really am not adapting to this country's weather , man!!

by the time i got to uni, the place was quiet.. barely more than 20 people are there.. *maybe more, was too sleepy that time, eyes too sepet*.. at the back of my head, i was telling myself that maybe it's still holiday? weeeee? looked at my watch .. 7.20 am..SPOILER!!!! no wonder no one's here yet! and i tot i was late.. boo-hoo :(

didn't like the 1st day of class(8am class ! groan!) although it was fun meeting up with my uni friends! it's been 4 weeks wei!~!!~~ :P time really flies!! :P btw, the lecturer for my chemistry2 was hilarious, he started off by presenting a clip called ChemWars, basically it's Starwars, using the same music*u know the popular one!* and n illustration, just that instead of Yoda / Obi-wan, he named them Brominade and Oxidate or something like tat. HEY! i was sleep deprived k? blueh! i like my lecturers this semester, well, maybe just human anatomy and chemistry 2, cos they r so humorous !! they kept playing those funny clips to keep boredom at bay~ XD cute arh! one is baldy another nerdy XD hope my Food and Nutrition lecturer is farney too~!


today was my 2 nd day of class, n guess what? i saw that GUY again! yes annoying mr x!who is he? click HERE to find out! i was listening to my mp3 , my bag was on my left chair *for carol*
and the right chair was empty. when i saw him walking towards my direction *which was quite far away*, i quickly put my file on the chair n pretend to be reading my lecture notes with full enthusiasm! haha he then sat beside the vacant seat next to the one with my file, and after a few minutes, knowing that i was ignoring him, he went off , sitting behind

fuh!i was so relieved! :P i can't understand y he needs someone to talk to so desperately during class!not like we have anything in common! few months back, he asked me y am talking english instead of mandarin to my chinese friends..My tai chi lar!!!! so absurd

during the lecture break, he went to the front to talk to a gurl, which i also assume she didn;t really like him either,*based on her facial expression when he asked her if there's anyone sitting next to her* hahaa! weirdo!!!!!!

fuh! i have no more classes till friday!! weeeeeeeeeeEEEee! happy happy!! XD *praise the Lord*

need to start sleeping early from today ..*looking at the clock*, TOMORROW onwards :P so that i'll be more alert in my 8 am classes. yea, all of my classes are at 8 am! not complaining!!!!! u gain some, u lose some , u know? XD


calvin said...

err... which is you in the pic ar? haha, i really not sure ler. middle isit? correct me if i'm wrong :P

jaecywong* said...

the left lar!!! OMIGOD OMIGOD!

jaecywong* said...

dun wan to put liao! bf say my picture very ugly

Anonymous said...

Haha.. seems like you'll enjoy ur 2nd semester ^^ the same as me, 2day oso my 2nd day of my 2nd semester XD

=chuan guan= said...

both of u all at home so sweet d..blog also wana so expose r..haha

Anonymous said...

serene: not so sure though.. 3 days of classes oni.. kinda bored .. :( can't find a job summore ... :(

chuanguan: hahaahhaha nvm lar!!!!!!! sweet leh! dun jeles

Anonymous said...

14 celcius is so so nice lor, I'll never get it in msia.. :(

Anonymous said...

yung: when u're here in australia, u will start missing malaysia's sunny weather.. :P here's too cold.. during winter tat is.. but during summer.. it's the best!!

Poonky said...

some ppl forever wont admit they are lazy :P hehehehe, wei why remove the pics

KeV's wAlKAbOuT said...

hey.. yeah.. I'm kinda night owl too.. and I hate gog to uni so early.. and lately, have been sleepy 4+am as well! and wake up like 12pm!!! My lab colleages will never see me before their lunch hour!! LOL.. but feel pretty bad lar.. like I'm slacking.. =(

jaecywong* said...

poonky: u also lazy lar!! XD dun wan la.. later u say my pic very fugly!! blueh!!

kevin:hhahaha u must learn to sleep early as well lor... :P it's hard at 1st.. actually i'm more of a morning person.. but ever since winter started.. it's very hard for me to wake up early.. cos it's so so so cold!!!!!!!!

calvin said...

put back your pic la. see, so many of your fans is asking about that ady :P

-Broken- said...

Huh? Your fans?
Is there a fan club just for YOU??

you at Brisbane already cold enough, don't need a fan club to FREEZE you to death right?

Blek... Lame joke...

Wickedsa said...

brisbane seems like a fun place..
ok, drop that down in my vacation destinations:)

jaecywong* said...

calvin: c'mon lar.. u dun even know which one is me... :( sob sob

broken: hahaha that calvin was crapping!! :P =-=''' not lame lar.. just.. =-='' blur... deng!!!
now brisbane wan spring edi.. not so cold XD

baby sa: yea!! u should ! nice spot!

calvin said...

i wasn't crapping la. true wan ma. so many people is requesting you to put it back. you don't want to disappoint your fans right? :P

i purposely guess the wrong person wan la actually! bluek!! :P

jaecywong* said...

calvin: haha wat fans lar!! XD

yea meh calvin!! dun bluff lar!! XD
i know u regret saying the wrong thing!! blueh!!