Sunday, July 22, 2007

semester 2 !


can't believe that semester 2 is starting next monday, as in the next 2 days, actually it's only cos it's 12.01 am rite now... +_+'''

i'm so doomed! i'm so not prepared~so many things to do, so little time *die die*


forget the frustration, i'm actually kinda happy lor~*keke*

y y y??

hehe , just a few hours ago, i checked my uni website, hoping that there is a vacant place for my Food and Nutrition class on Friday instead of Thursday, *which i tried doing for the past few weeks,but to no avail*, cos i don't want to go all the way to Uni just to attend an hour of tutorial class. *phew*, good for exercise though.. ANYWAYZ, i was lucky today, there's a class on friday which is NOT FULL!!! quickly, i click on it! and yeay!! successfully manage to have only 3 days of classes per week already lo!!!!!!!!!!!!! after that, feeling curious, i clicked on the Friday column again and it was already FULL!. haha i am blardy lucky! and mind u again, class starts next week! fuh!! s0 last minute rite?fuh*

since i have only 3 days of classes per week, i seriously need to get a part time job, which is so hard to find in australia~!! i've been searching for the past 2 weeks and i'm still luck in job hunting !

back in malaysia, getting a part time job is like a piece of cake! probably cos malaysia uses the 1st come 1st serve basis, instead of Australia's " we only want the best!" i dun blame australia for wanting only the best staffs cos their pay are very high, up to aud 15-20 per hour for part timers okie? meaning about rm60 per hour tau?omigod rite? msia? only a lame rm 3.50-5.00 per unfair rite? fuh!

yea, so.. it's really tough! n i'm feeling the pressure working here. different environment and culture, u know? haih~ btw, i'm going for a job interview next wednesday, and hopefully a training class afterwards...wish me luck, guys! hopefully i will get this job lor! XD


forgot to mention that i'll be going to Surfer's Paradise tomorrow!!!!!!! *bibi say like miami wor, shopping paradise and very pretty sandy beach wor* keke

will have loads of pictures and maybe a few videos to post up ASAP!!!


dun envy me!!!!!!!! :PPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket



Jun jUn XVII said...

all this while u r having ur hols??wohh, didnt noe dat!so nice u can choose time, my classes tim nearly all sux n i cant do anyting but to wait 14 weeks!

Stephanie_yinG said...

hi fren help me do it di..thankz you anyway..hahaha...
I start to exercise di..ahaha...but one things is..i can eat less in the day time..but..stil i like to eat supper la...die..specially the roti canai...duih..cant control myself at all..hahahah...mayb i should not sleep so late..:p...

Poonky said...

fat liow fat liow! told u dont eat so much ge la

Innocent^^Guy said...

hey poonky! Watch your mouth!
You are the one saying her fat, but I'm the one getting the beatings and blames.... -.-"

Have mercy on me pinky...I'm dying...haha

Anonymous said...

Hey JC, Isnt School so cool? I hope you do ok.

Love You

calvin said...

why on earth did you put that pic in the end i cant understand...

Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

haha..wish u luck in finding ur job..

KeV's wAlKAbOuT said...

good luck for the interview... what job is it??

Mine was tutoring a first year undergrad.. but not anymore since she only needs help with that module..

Innocent^^Guy said...

calvin, u seriously need to learn that blogging is not writing karangan or wat...ntg have to be related! -.-"

Anonymous said...

jaecy lui its been so long nvr visit ur blog lol bz mar.. eh one thing.. u pui ed lah can see lolololz aus punya food nice kah btw hor.. my roomie bought a small baby maltese XD damn cute.. curi put in our room few days ed.. crazzie huh -_-'' good also sumthing to remember in last semester XP

Anonymous said...


i know i fat edi lor.. :( SOB! sob! depressed mar!! so eat a lot lor :(

i will lose weight before i come back msia de .. :P

Anonymous said...

junjun: u also having hols arh~?14 weeks?!?!? omigod!!! so fun!! :P i today start class already :( so sien lor... so not ready.. nearly slept in class.. hahaha

stephanie: muah gurl! hey !! good that u're having progress in ur weight loss. I'm getting fatter here in Australia! i also need to control...when i'm bored i will eat... thank god start class already!! :P

poonky: *@&$(@*&$(*@^#@&#(@&#(*@.. come come.. let's c who heavier!! HAHAHAHA

inno guy: ala! where got!! ai ni lar! :P

dave: thanx! i hope school is cool too... how's ur job hunting btw?

calvinong: the pic is also described as *BLUEKKK* !!

jian: thanx!!!!!!!!!

kev: oh!! something to do with online job~ :P per sales about aud 20.. if successful mar~ ya i apply for tutor job in my uni too! well, so far no one call me though~ :(

inno: ano ano! agree agree~

genie: i pui liao lar!! next time i c u, i will lose weight de lar... long time summore!! HAHAHHAH
eee! maltese so cute!~~ a few days ago i saw 3 maltese together! hahah cute cute!!!! hahha make sure u jaga the puppy properly lor!! :P

calvin said...

jaecy: why la suddenly you got deputy minister replying all the comments mia?

Elaynne said...

3 day week class ar...... so fun weiii

jaecywong* said...

calvin: hahahaha he got no class mar.. wat to do~

elaynne: hahah fun lei! need to get a job desperately lor!