Monday, July 02, 2007

transformer & dinner at jojo's


play the music player above before scrolling down:


i say ...


heh.. to those who had watch transformer, this particular song makes u wanna watch it again rite? it actually reminded me of the part where all the Autobots( the good robots) fall to the earth surface , like meteorites, and transformed themselves into variable types of kewl vehicles, eg: porche.. and gathered together to meet with the boy... :P i liked that part soo much!

fuh! the show was awesome! it rox! this is a show that u must watch! u will surely enjoy it as much as i do! XD also, the storyline was not as wat i have expected ..... it's so so much better!! XD and my eyes were watery in some scenes in the movie*sensitive gurl mar*.. i could not believe that i nearly cried for the robot, Bumblebee.. aww.. even the name is soo cute.. isn't it :P
actually in the cartoon, bumblebee is quite fat wan.. haha.. so weird..

optimus prime and bumblebee~my fave robots~

hate this small creature!!! irritating!!!

hehe dun wanna be a spoiler to those who have not watch it yet, better run to the nearest cinema now!!! c'mon~ almost everyone said it was awesome!!!~ so dun be left out , ya? i wanna watch it again~ sure kena marah by my baby wan~bluek~ haha it's orgasmic, i tell u! jane, it's so worth ur money~even during halfway of the movie, i seriously need to go to the bathroom, but i wouldn't wanna miss a thing! i was so glued to my seat.. fuh! and it was all worth it! :P.. hehe .. over exaggerating yea?

another reason to watch the movie.. i know where u r looking at k? i'm not dumb! sheesh~

anywayz, during my childhood, transformers is one of the cartoons that i loved to watch... y? influenced by both of my brothers, of fact, i (my brothers actually) have a few of the transformer robots , i only have vivid memories of the optimus prime robot cos i liked to transformed *it*.. haha and it's the hardest to transformed!!! XD giler sial~ :P can't believe that i actually played transformers toys.. i still can remember that i played masak masak with the robots too.. haha.. so farney~

ok i REALLY need to stop elaborating bout transformers~ phew~ bring back all the memories.. wat will they think of next? the thunder catz~? haha.

btw, after the movie, me , baby, ronnie and vicki went to eat at Jojo's.. the ambiance, the waitress and waiters, and the food were great~ the place is situated on the second floor and we sat outside, at the balcony, and below, we can clearly see people walking around the city.. lovely place~ kinda like Marche's in msia~hmm~ i'll just let the pictures do the talking kay? XD

kinda modern looking dining place yea?

camwhoring while waiting for the food ~kinda slow~

my sirloin steak~

vicki's rib eye steak~ looks delicious~

baby's ~

red wine...~ thanx ronnie~ face red red already~*

our tom yam soup~ quite spicy~ i luv tom yam~!!

our dessert~~ different types of cakes~~ fuh~!!thanx ronnie again!!

so much food rite!??! oh my god! it's been so long since i've eaten so so much lor!! contented! hehe~ but a lil guilty lar.. :( bluek~ must start my exercise regime already!! :P meeks!


SaeWei said...

Wah seh.... make me so damn hungry early in the morning....

Mme Tshiamo said...

haha! me too! yummy~

but the tom yam so plain T_________T

hahaa .. i haven't watch transformers! i delay till so many ppl ask .. but still i haven't go. my friends said go malacca mall watch better because nearer to us but so sien .. nothing to shop there >_< what's so nice at there right? tsk tsk

jaecywong* said...

sae wei: i every day read my blog also feel hungry .. hahah

fiona: eh? the cinema in malacca mall there open already arh? how nice mar? XD

calvin said...

haha! transfomers play masak-masak? sure onot?
what they masak?

jaecywong* said...

hahahaha yea lo ! nono.. is i masak the robots! haha-_-''

calvin said...

you masak the robots?! then what the dish is called?

Anonymous said...

dunno le.. tat time young ma.. n of course i didn't eat it lar.. -_-'' cos i was irritated by my brother lo.. he always play the robots around me... then when he's not around, i go fry fry the robots.. haha-_-''

Anonymous said...

LCD Soundsystem, You got to setem up.....I love this group it is currently my favorite, They do this song in like 6 or 7 different versions, Its way cool. ps. All the furniture is in the garage....I have not seen the movie yet, so I need to ask, Is this groups music in the movie? BTW, never never never letem go...downtown.

Love You JC

jaecywong* said...

the music is in the movie~ :P just for a while though~ it's a nice movie! better watch ya?