Tuesday, August 21, 2007

movie outing!

Calv and I have been waiting with anticipation for the comedy flick, I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry to show in Brisbane.

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I’m not so sure if this show is available in Malaysia, as it has a lot of gay & sexual scenes inside, and obviously our country isn’t tat open bout those issues. Or probably I’m wrong, maybe it’s a 1-2 months old movie back in Malaysia. Y so old? Cos here in Australia, the screenings for certain movies are very slow, for example, Rush Hour 3 is not even out yet, and I doubt it will even show this month.

Well, there are exceptions for a few movies, popular ones, like The Simpsons! But i’m not really interested in that movie, as I can always watch the series during the weekdays on tv, an hour summore.. got sien already! :P

Fuh! Btw, back to chuck and larry~ it’s unexpectedly funny from the beginning till the end of the end! Calv and I was laughing throughout the entire movie. It is that funny! True! It’s been such a long time since I watched a comedy movie tat can make me laugh this hard!!! LMAO!! If u have any friends who are feeling blue /down, bring them to watch this movie, it will certainly carve a smile on their faces. FOR SURE!!

click HERE for more info bout the show :P kinda lazy to explain~

* oh by the way, watch out for the wedding priest! .. he's my bf's favourite*
UGH! can't find any photos of him!
he very awkward looking one.. :P

btw, now i'm looking forward to watch NO RESERVATIONS*clickable*!!

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act by one of my idol, catherine zeta jone! woohoo!! beautiful & has a voluptuous body! envy envy!! not thin nor fat! just nice! luvly curves!! :P

catherine aside, another reason that i would love to watch this show is becos of it's setting.. a restaurant! i luv all movies/ shows relating to cookery , baking & stuffs! u know? :P can't wait can't wait!! wanna see wat catherine will cook in the show... must be some fancy dish.. :P

anywayz, a few blurry pic that calv took for me after the chuck n larry movie! :P

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Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

Chuck and Larry really funny ler..I hvnt watch it yet.. but I saw the trailer :P

And there'll not be screening in Malaysia cinemas.. you know lar.. our censorship board cacat 1


=chuan guan= said...

rush hour rush hour..so eng 1 u..

Anonymous said...

I would like to watch the one with kevin james, he's a funny guy...

squall_ch33s3 said...

Well...if kenot watch in cinema...can download or purchase "special DVD" here in Malaysia a.k.a Bolehland =P Though the "download" part is kinda slowwww

The recent funny movie I watched was The Simpsons Movie leh...also watched Blades of Glory on DVD,hahaha

Ok...Chuck&Larry will be on my movie list...hehe =P

Anonymous said...

Hi JC, I recntly saw Bourne Ultimatum, Underdog and the one wit the rat who wants to be a chef. Read cheesies blog about Remy, thats the rats name. Hope you are well, luv u bfn.

Anonymous said...

jian: u c .. i know wan.. cos really too many gay/sexual scenes inside..make sure u go download it or get the dvd of it!! it's really farney!

guan: wat eng? hahaha =-='' wan bday edi lor.. hohooh!

iva: yeap! very funny show! but i think in this show adam sandler is more of the funny character than kevin james.. more of a serious type..:P

squall: yea! must must!! go get dvd lar.. without censorship wan k! :P hoho!! it's even funnier than blades of glory~ :P

dave: yea! i wanted to watch bourne too! but movie tickets here ain't cheap.. so only can watch a few movies.. i heard that the Remy movie kinda nice too!! hm... i'll think bout tat :P

Anonymous said...

I want watch!!!! Don't know whether will be screened in Msia onot. Sigh. Oh yar, watch Simpsons! It's so funny you know!! Must watch must watch!!! =D

Eehui said...

so it's nice? kk i ll go watch soon. just watched evan almighty (pirated lol) yea not yet on screen here, n it's quite nice!