Sunday, October 21, 2007

exam already!?!??!

can't believe how time flies!!
eh?!?!?! exam starting tomorrow!?!
well, not exactly starting tomorrow cos...u c, i've an anatomy prac exam tomorrow but the next paper will be in another 2 weeks..
so.. =-='' need to let loose a lil..
or else, during that 2 weeks, i will lose the will to study my heart out!!~
seriously, my gawd! 2 weeks lei!!! =-='' not like i've finished studying, but still,..
not like i'm complaining, *ok i know i do sound like i am * but i'm NOT
I just wanna get over with my exam asap so i can quickly pack my bags n go home!!
home= Malacca~
miss everyone back home
chatting with bro yesterday makes my heart yearn for home even more..
it's been months since we last chat!
and i typed like so long in each msg, my bro must think tat i'm damn annoying
i just want some updates mer :)
planning to buy a GPS for his 23rd birthday~
but expensive know?
and i tot of buying a nintendo DS for myself
oh wellz, bro more important maa..rite?:P
told me he needs to use the map to find client everyday,
until very pro in reading maps wor
tried to explain to him how convenient and user friendly GPS is,
he answered map= rm 4 and GPS= rm 1500
cis~ i can never argue with him when it comes to $$
:P but i still insist of buying him one.. if possible lar

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and old pic of me n bro during his convo~

ironic enough, the disney show, Brother Bear was on tv last nite..
my eyes nearly drowned with tears *NEARLY*
i know it's a cartoon show okie!! but i'm very sensitive person!! :) i am!!
ya i know, chatting in msn? watching tv? and now? bloggin~?
haha.. i hope i won't flunk in my exam tomorrow..!
choi!!!! :D
wokie la~ wish me luck people~~
i make breakfast 1st~ muah muah!!!
oh ya..



~ : i t c h : ~ said...

eh tot u just started working.. now exam pulak.. how u balance.. lol.. hebat la u

jaecywong* said...

my life is like a whirlwind, boy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hahhahha

Anonymous said...

lol Don't worry jaecy! I bawled my eyes out during Brother was so good!..*sigh* that is why I haven't watched it in a long time!