Monday, October 15, 2007

jaecy is working for...............



hola!! :P surprised?!?!?! I AM!!!! i didn't know that i'll get that job cos i've have no experience in hospitality or watsoever to do with food~ it was so sudden. The manager just called me and said hey, r u free for a interview at 4.30 pm today? *ohmygod, it's like 415pm now ok?!* i mumbled and say yeaa sure!! and when she hung up the phone, i was so shocked with the whole thing!!! blurred by the situation... an interview?!! NOW? y didn't i ask for more time.?!??!?! =-=''stupid!!

opened my closet, wondering wat to wear. formal meh? =-= fast food oni wor... i wonder..wore a plain white tee with black pants instead :P i didn;t have time to think twice, and left my place ASAP.

oh btw, the mc donald is just opposite my house.. convenient leh.. hungry can just pop into mc d n eat my fave cheeseburger.. yum!!!

and so, i reached the place.. not really prepared with the interview.. but i said to myself, just be confident, things will turn out okay...and so i tot..

to my horror, there were 2 managers interviewing me. i nearly went nuts! but i still pull myself together n tried not to show how nervous i was. the 1st question that they asked was..

-Tell us bout urself-
ohmyF*#&$(@**$ that's not even a question!!! more like an essay !!! =-=
so i bullshit many unnecessary stuffs, for example, i'm a gym junkie!!! haha....... haha... ha ..=-=''
i really getiing the =-='' impression by the managers!! failed totally~

-DO u like working in groups?-
my answer: yes! i love working in groups!!i'm actually have fun working in groups~*smilez* *liar*

-What did ur group members think of u?-
my answer: they think i'm great, i'm very flexible, easy-going, hardworking.,friendly... n etc *liar liar pants on fire*

-Why do u want to work here?-
my answer: cos i stay just opposite? *giggle* *giggle* (both managers looked at each other, and nodded ) *guess tat's one of the reasons i got employed too*

okay jaecy....
and again, without any hesitation, i replied, SURE DO~!!!!!!!!

after tat, they sorta discuss with each other bout the size of uniform that i should wear, and the guy manager said, Give her a size 12!

OH MY @*&(@*&$*(@&$(*@&*(@(@*($&@()*$&@)(*&$@

i where got tat fat la!!! :(

couldn;t believe my ears, so i kept quiet and tried to put em on.. and yeap it's waYYY to big for me... hmph!!! i where got so pui!! *slap* slap* end up getting myself a size 8~~ wee!!! :D still a lil loose though~~ n i tot i'll get thinner once i'm in australia...tat's a myth, i tell u.. :(

yeap! so far i've work there thrice already, and luving it!! my pay is aud 16.50 per hour, which is very very high and i got 50% discounts for any meals in Mc D!!weeee~~

btw, i'm working at the back, at the kitchen, making burgers, like a sandwich artist!! it's a daunting task de ! just imagine, there are about 12-13 types of burgers in Mc D, and i need to remember each n every ingredients for those burgers..yes.. like sauces, types of buns, veges, meats..not a easywork lor!~ so envy looking at my colleagues making the burgers in a flash~i think it's harder than working in Subway! no wonder the pay for Mc D is so high lor.. :D.. no pain, no gain de ma... :P

*oh just so u know, although the money that i earn is a lot, i need to be independent now and pay off my home rent myself from now onwards as well as other expenses.. awww* sniff*

*oo n guess wat, the fish burger is the easiest to make*


Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

jae don't curi makan wor...

~ : i t c h : ~ said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.. stay just opposite. like so syok onez.. ahaha...

Anonymous said...

aiyerrrr jc i wan mc d jobz also =( hopefully can get de.. hmm.. ur interview funny wei.. perhaps i should prepare sum script now? =p

'Ron said...

mcd?? snap pics u in that orange uniform...hehehehe...
when you are back, we dont have to go mcd for burgers d...u will make exactly the same for us rite? weeeeeeee~~~

jaecywong* said...

jian: frankly speaking, i cannot resist the nuggets lor!!!!!! :(

leiyoon: i wish it's a mamak stall though.. i miss mamak food..

genie: no need wan la!! tell them bout u , n smile lor :) sure ok wan!!

ron: haha i dun have camera liao.. go back msia oni got.. here the camera very expensive eh.. :P low yat better.. hahah i will eventually get bored of eating mc d's burger leii .. :P

Anonymous said...

congratz on getting a job !! hey 50% discount wor.. dont eat too much of the burgers ah later really size 12.. hahaha xD

jaecywong* said...

jern huat: HOHO!! u damn jahat wei!!!!!!!!!!! :P

squall_ch33s3 said...

Hmmmm...since u told them u stayed opposite only...there is no reason to not be able to work over/extra time...ponteng kerja...late to work due to traffic jam? =_="

Jun jUn XVII said...

wah!so high da pay?in msia is RM3 per hour!!damm low wei...dun curi makan,later muz wear size 12 adi.haha!

jaecywong* said...

squall: although i stay near hor, i won;t work at nite wan.. very dangerous! :P

junjun: hanno! rm 3 oni ah for mc D? wa lao.. like shit man that wan...

KeV's wAlKAbOuT said...

wow.. nice.. finally managed to find urself a job huh! A late congradz ya?~!

My place is jus opposite KFC too... and I frequent them often as well. Maybe they should have given me some sorta loyalty card! LOL... so do u get to take home burgers at the end of the day?