Thursday, February 14, 2008

i'm in brisbane again..

however this time, i'm alone. felt awkward as he wasn't with me in the plane. when i looked at empty seat bside me, i was very much depressed.tried very hard to keep my tears from falling. but when the lights are off, and the plane took off, i couldn't bear it any longer, and my tears started streaming down my face. was blurred with the whole situation. wondered if i did the right decision to study australia. leaving him behind for another 2 years. but if i didn't come to australia, will i ever have the chance to experience wat we had a year ago? i really don't know. it's a really mix feeling. I miss brisbane a lot. i heart brisbane, the people, the environment, the festivals, the cooling weather, the free bus rides, n etc. But... he's not here. things just does not seem right without him. :( i miss him, his presence.

it was really hard to say goodbye yesterday. it was ... very hard. tears were inevitable.

baby came to find me at the airport, with 4 secret recipe cakes in his hand. he knew that i could never find any nice and cheap cakes in brisbane. but 4? wa baby. make me fat oni! :)


he bought me this card and this perfume. :) i like the card very much. love the big headed bears. love the msg in the card. thanx baby for everything.


didn't take any of our pics that nite. we both looked horrible with our sore eyes.

tat nite, i felt like as though i was in a tvb drama. where when i entered the custom, ( only flight passengers can go through), he was searching for me from the top, wanting to see me for the last time. he kept calling n calling asking for my whereabouts. it was frustrating as he couldn't find me. and when i just about to lose hope, was about to hop onto the train to the next building, he suddenly said" YAYA I saw U!!! c c up up!!" so i looked up and we both wavedvery hard at each other, like as though we have not seen each other for yonks. "You take care, ah?" calv said as he choked back tears. wanted to say more, but he couldn't. it was too much for him. and to me. i tried put on a smile, wave my last goodbye and stepped onto the train. :(
how i wish he can be with me in brissie..

haih.bloggin bout this made me quite upset. :(

didn't want to make this post this depressing. will surely blog something more cheerful in my next post . :) didn';t want to make calv worried . :) he'll be alrite. and i'll be alrite. our journey has only just begun. :)

oh btw, this is wat i bought for him for v day. :) i like it very much :)



The CHocoholic!!!! said...

Hey dont worry k..2 years fly pass very quickly and you'll be back in malaysia soon.

i know what you are going through. i have to be honest and say it's not easy. but trust me you'll definitely be fine and the relationship with your darling will be stronger!! :)

so cheer up! have fun, enjoy yourself in brisbane!!

take care!


calvin said...

well, what i should i say here? what i'm going through at the moment is just exactly like both of you. it's hard at the airport, ain't it? like you said, tears is inevitable.

but once you start your classes and he is busy with his work, i think the loneliness will fade slowly. stay strong there :)

Anonymous said...

eeleen: thanx gurl!!! :D long distance is just hard. but will try keep myself busy, try not to miss him so much :P u enjoy urself in UK also alrite?!?! :P u still have how many years there?

calvin: yea loo.. sob sob!! :( dunno.. cos in brisbane , i always do everything with him lor.. now he not here .. very weird :(

Anonymous said...

As I was telling Calvin, reading your blog reminded me of myself a year ago. Tears at the airport. Tears every night before bedtime. Nothing said made me feel any better... but at the end of it all, if you can get through this together, a sweet ending awaits..

Have fun in Brissy. I miss everything about it. It will be over before you know it although the 2 years may seem like eternity now.

jaecywong* said...

kelly: thanx gurl. i have faith in our relationship. i know it'll work out. didn't know that i could cry so much.. didn't know i was so weak.

i love brissie very very much. but i really wish he can be with me in brissie. :( guess i should be lucky to be with him for a year in brissie. know i shouldn't be greedy. but... u know?..

thanx again, gurl, update your blog consistently la..

'Ron said...

eeleen damn hebat wey...really salute too,sexy....u gonna make it through k...aiyaaa...aug you will be coming back oso ma....dont sad k...time flies really fast...seee!! we are going to be 22 this year!!!

jaecywong* said...

ahha ron.. wat sexy.. hhaha u sexy la!! :P

yeap time flies.. shit la .. y u remind me that i'm 22 already.. :( so sad