Tuesday, March 18, 2008

short hiatus agaiN~

know that i've not been updating my blog for sometime now.

due to many unforeseen circumstances.

like re-doing my assignment cos my group was *lucky* enough to get such *nice* topic.

bout making a program to raise awareness about benefits of breastfeeding.. and the target audience is THE PRIMARY SCHOOL KIDS!!


seriously, like wth?

my group really had a bad start with the assignment because we were clueless with the topic and the tutor is no help at all. she told us A a few days ago, and today when i asked her in more detail bout it, she told us B instead. =-='' so kns, can?

that aside,

easter is looming just around the corner, this thursday in fact!!! am really looking forward for it because easter means HOLIDAYS!!!10 days of HOLIDAYS!!!



i have so many assignments to do!!!!!!!!!! & many studies to catch up on~!! phew. wat a heavy workload. :( sobz~ there goes my easter holidays~~

speaking of which, i bought myself a huge chocolate egg from darrell lea to celebrate easter~ :) haha..

bliss~!!hand rolled summore!!! :P

but it's empty inside!! :( but the shell alone is damn filling~ already finish it within 3 days. dun ask. i confess. i gain 3-4kilo already!! :( but the chocolate egg was nice!! :D :D

hollow inside~~


sorta reminded me of yuri's coconut ~~ :P
miss yuri so much!!!
calv say she fat already wor!! :P hehe.. so cute~


Anonymous said...

happy easter~~!!!

Mme Tshiamo said...

OMG!!!!!!!! the biggest easter egg so far!!!!!! haha

so cute lar! and yummy :P

Anonymous said...

sinye~~ haha happy easter to u too~~ so when r u coming? jadi wan or not??

feenux: haha big ah? but way fattening lo!! bliss bliss!