Friday, April 04, 2008

the title-less title

i know that i was supposed to update my previous with a few of pics but i'm seriously very BUSY!! & this month is no exemption. below is the list of deadlines for assignments, exams, quizzes..and also my big day :)

april 14th : deadline for Matrix Table: epidemiology assignment

april 15th: biochemistry mid sem exam

april 17th: epidemiology quiz & also my birthday!! T_T

april 19th: physiology mid sem exam

april 22nd : deadline for biochemistry protein assignment

april 27th: deadline for worksheet 4 & 5 for nutrition education assignment


dun think i'll be able to celebrate my bday this year. well, i have never really celebrated my bday after i finished form 5. not really enthu about my bday as well. probably because i'm not in my teens anymore. just felt so old whenever i blow the candles. =-=''

anywayz, since u have seen my schedule above, dun blame me for not updating my bloggy k!! i'm just too busy.. way too occupied with stuffs that i didn't even have the time to have a proper conversation with my closest fren, ivy.

she actually could comprehend with her problems at the beginning. but one problem after another. the problems got more absurd and she can't seem to understand the root of the dilemma. it's getting on her nerves and eventually triggered her into depression. i wanted to help her, but i couldn't.. i was too busy. whenever she tried to talk to me, i will constantly replied her "sorry, busy ah". i didn't know that she was EXTREMELY UNHAPPY. i thought probably if she has more rest , more outing with friends, n etc, to keep her mind off, she'll be alrite. but i was wrong. her depression has gone to the extend that she'll do crazy things to herself. for example, look at her blog. that picture. do u know wat is that?

yes. it is wat u think it is. i was so dumbfounded when she told me what she did. i couldn't believe that the ivy goh that i know had done such a thing. she has always been the happy go lucky one, crazy, realistic, outgoing, and who can forget her laughter. the unforgettable laughter that never fails to put a smile on my face. :)

there's nothing much i can do, but i hope that u can wait for me till august. i;'ll be back for a couple of days & i hope that by then u're ur happy self again. and i mean real happy n not fake ones. do not do any stupid things again cos if u do, i'll be so frantic and will totally blame myself for the rest of my life.T_T. so.. ivy, be well...stay strong!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck for ur upcoming exams bah.... :)