outing with sarah part 2
so the next morning, we walked to the bus stop to go to uni and i realized that the 10 minutes walk was short. hmm.. weird rite.. that nite, the walk seemed forever yet in the morning, i felt it's quite short. anywayz, it was that day we were informed bout Dr Ron's brain cancer. :(
guess it actually dampens our mood a lil.during our journey to the Indooroopilly's shopping mall we were silent most of the time. we did however, ended up talking bout ghost n supernatural stuffs... which is sarah's fave topic. she really like ghost stories/shows! can be best buddies with my bf already. hehe. but nah.. i cannot.. i very takut of these stuffs.. *goosebumps*
upon reaching the mall, we went to grab something to eat. n that day, i craved for chinese food and so i got myself this!!
it's like economy rice la.. but very pricey indeed.. 8.50 dollar for a small plate.. but i think the ppl working there were very generous. i mean, look at my plate! it's overflowing with food. like mountain man..some of the food were falling off from the plate as well. but they didn't charge me extra wor.. :P n needless to say, the food taste awesome! well, not all chinese food in aussie sux. :)
the hermit crab is cute...i want one :) My room still got space to put. Soon I am going to start a petting zoo in my room :P
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