Friday, August 31, 2007

short update!

sorry for the lack of updates lately~ been kinda busy with my studies as exam is just around the corner .. and actually i kinda lost my passion in bloggin..
no worries though~ prolly i'm going through some changes at the moment so kinda feel lost rite now.. :)
things are happening so quickly ...
exams, baby's graduation, friends n calv's parents comin to brisbane for hols, and i'm moving out next week!! yeap, i'm won;t be staying in the city anymore.. :( however, i like my new place a lot!! i like the fact that it is close to everywhere, like the mall, bus stops, mc d, supermarkets n etc..

and most importantly, i love my room!! y u asked??

i have my own mini fridge and tv in my cozy room~~ wee!!!

must pose with my mini bar fridge as well as my tv!! hoho.. so proud..

i wonder if it will affect my studies.. hmmm :P ah.. dun bother lar.. .. :P

this is my room!!! XD haha~~ darn happy~

can't wait to move in!!!



Poonky said...

yay! congrats! moving new home, but lol but i dint see ur room only see the kitchen + living room only oh

~ : i t c h : ~ said...

wah tv on fridge? not sked ar? either da fridge cool da tv or da tv will add extra heat to the fridge? haha.. two opositions..

squall_ch33s3 said...

You put the TV on the fridge so that whenever u are watching TV...then can easily get snacks!!! You glutton you...hahaha =P Reminds me of Garfield...hehe,kidding ya...

jaecywong* said...

poonky: the tv n fridge is in my ROOM!!!!!! MY BEDROOM!!!!

leiyoon: dunno le.. the owner put it that way.. hahahah :P if spoil, i sue the owner lor.. :P

squall: haha wat garfield lar!! :( i will control not to buy snacks lor.. put yoghurt and skim milk instead.. bluek!

Poonky said...

lol i thought that was ur living room ma :P

'Ron said...

wahhh...fridge and tv in the room...i bet you wont get your ass out from your room often now..hahahahhaha

Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

wahh syoknya ada tv...
it hv been a long time since I watch any tv..

but then a fridge ar..tat 1 will encourage ppl to buy more food ler.. later more fat XD.. hahaha jae remember control wor.. XD

KeV's wAlKAbOuT said...

congradz for getting a place... housing here in sydney are lacking and thus aren't easy to find, and rents are ex...

u stay in the colleage?

jaecywong* said...

poonky: blueh!

ron: HAHAH yea lo!! i think so too!!

jian: yaya will control lar... :P dun wan like tzu lor.. will walk around the house.. quite big geh! XD

kev: brisbane is quite easy to find actually.. even in city.. as long u got the cash tat is.. :) hehe nope not in college.. XD my uni dun have their own accommodation wan! kinda sucky..